How To Be A Better Father By Leveraging These 5 Entrepreneurial Techniques
How To Be A Better Father By Leveraging These 5 Entrepreneurial Techniques
The subject of "Being A Better Father" is not an exact science. In fact if you surveyed 1,000 men, you would get somewhere around1,000 different answers.
So in this post I will share with you some of my experiences, and the experiences of some of the men that I have come to respect as great Fathers, and entrepreneurs.
As the father of two children (one being a newborn), and as an entrepreneur I truly see the value of my time. Time is the most valuable commodity on earth.
It is vital to get more things done in less time if you want to be able to spend quality time with your children and be a better father.
Example: If you have several sales calls to make where you will be making the same sales pitch. Schedule a conference call or a Google Hangout instead.
Every successful entrepreneur that I know spends at least an hour a day reading and/or listening to audio.
Since we aren't perfect as Fathers, and neither were our Fathers. It's important that we continue work on our parenting skills.
Read and listen to those that have something of value to share with you.
Just like any endeavor it's important that you get around people that have the same goals as you.
You can attend BIG events like conventions, or small events like meetup groups with Dads with similar interests and backgrounds.
The most successful people don't mind sharing their keys to success. The Learn, Do, Teach method is highly valuable for Fathers that are struggling to improve their parenting skills. So as you have breakthroughs, share it with someone else.
Not only will it help someone else, it will help you master the skill(s) that you are teaching.
Not to be confused with the "Trial And Error" method. Which often includes complete failure, and starting over.
As parents completely failing with our children shouldn't be acceptable.
So tweaking as you go requires us to adopt successful strategies, and make slight changes along the way that accomodate the needs of our children.
Interesting stuff right???
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God Bless
Rodney Kellum
The Fatherpreneur
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