As I reflect on "CONGRUENCE" as my Big Word for 2014, I reflect on all the things I wanted to achieve in 2013 and some I could, some I couldn't, but I did try.

The key in my view is to be genuinely wanting to give it a go.

Don't try to fake it, it is not worth the effort. Will get caught out!!!

I met a lot of people in the past year who were all about "What's in it for me?".

They came putting on a mask of being authentic, with love oozing out of every pore of their body but was a complete fake...Surprise, Surprise!!!

And then there were a few who were genuine to the core.

They meant well, nothing but wanting to give unconditionally love or atleast be transparent from the beginning...

They did what they said they will do....

Be Genuine in what you promise...

Business dealings are the same in my view...

I am going to take a few lines of the amazing Seth Godin.

If it acts like a duck (all the time), it's a duck. Doesn't matter if the duck thinks it's a dog, it's still a duck as far as the rest of us are concerned.

Authenticity, for me, is doing what you promise, not "being who you are".

That's because 'being' is too amorphous and we are notoriously bad at judging that. Internal vision is always blurry. Doing, on the other hand, is an act that can be seen by all.

Be Congruent!!!

Do not fall into the trap of becoming a FAD....

As the Internet and a connected culture places a higher premium on authenticity (because if you're inconsistent, you're going to get caught) it's easy to confuse authentic behavior with an existential crisis. Are you really good enough, kind enough, generous enough and brave enough to be authentically a hero or leader?

Professional Fame Vs Celebrity Fame!!!

People are more concerned about how many likes they get...Don't fall into the trap of falling into the trap of getting seduced of becoming popular and get successful and fall into the trap..only to be a FAD.

You could spend your time wondering if what you say you are is really you. Or you could just act like that ALL THE TIME.

That's good enough, thanks. Save the angst for later.

Do what you said you will do!!!


Prakash Menon is the Executive Director of Thought Leaders Middle East and a Global Partner with Thought Leaders Global, Australia. He is a career transitioning specialist having had two very successful corporate careers in both retail and hospitality in two different countries in a very short time frame. He is also a Retail Supply Chain Expert having been the former Director Of Supply Chain MYER, Australia’s largest department store chain. He is a professional speaker, executive mentor and also the author of 3 books “Driven”, “Fail Smart” “Supply Chain Is Sexy” and regularly writes for Gulf News in Dubai.


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