Fatal Lessons Instantly Learnt After Racing Go Karts Part 1/2

It was a hot and sunny day. The Sales Ninja team gathered in front of the Extreme Park at Sunway Lagoon everyone was ready to race. We were going to race in Go Karts in this quarterly team building.

We started off with a safety briefing by the Go Kart Marshal. He mentioned that this sport can be dangerous and proper precaution needs to be explained.

Finally the race was going to start. Drivers were looking very focused and they are anticipating for the green GO lights.

And they’re on their way!

If you get distracted... it's gonna be FATAL!

There was a case where a driver from a different group was driving at top speed and was somehow distracted and forgot to make a turn at the sharpest bend. He was badly injured where he he broke his jaw and fractured his skull. In sales, never get distracted. If you lose focus and forget to do important things like follow up or prospecting, your sales will get killed, horribly!

It’s scary when I was reaching the bend… at top speed!

There is a natural fear that emerges when you are flooring the pedal and you are reaching the bend. Should you slow down or should you drive at top speed? The natural thing to do is to slow down and make the turn safely. The problem with these go karts is once you slow down,it takes time to get back to the top speed. That’s where you will lose out to other racers and get overtaken.

Likewise in sales, it should be fast and furious! Sales people who are always fearful and slow down will be overtaken. It is natural to have sales fear but if you do not know how to overcome it, you'll be left behind... really far.

Sales people are expected to always be aggressive and energetic. If you are slow, other aggressive sales people will overtake you in an instant.

Part 2 to be continued tomorrow...

Want to know how to overcome fear and be the best? Then you MUST see our Sales Ninja WARRIOR here


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