The Perfect Job Interview In 6 Simple Steps

When interviewing for a new position, we want to do everything possible to ensure it goes well. Breath mints? Check. Resumes? Check. Firm handshake? Check.

But a great job interview starts days before you ever arrive at the office. Follow these simple steps to prepare yourself to have your best job interview ever:

1. Research the company

Make sure you know as much as possible about the company before you go into any interview. Start with the company’s website and read their mission statement, goals, and values and think about how those apply to the position you’re applying for. What key words could you use during the interview that would resonate? Look at any news or press pages to see what’s news and noteworthy for the company recently, and use that information to form intelligent questions to ask. You can also check LinkedIn for any connections you may have within the company who might be able to put in a good word or advise you. Finally, you can usually get a feel for the company culture from their website, which can influence how you dress.

2. Research the job

Once you’ve got the interview, make absolutely sure you know everything you can about the position and what the job is all about. This kind of research can help you pinpoint places your skills and personality will set you apart from the crowd. Carefully reread the qualifications in the job listing and think about how your experience fits in. Understanding what the average salary range for the position is can help with that dreaded question, “What kind of salary are you looking for?”

3. Prepare answers that highlight your skills and experience

This question can have many forms, but being able to demonstrate with your answers and anecdotes that you understand the key skills, expertise and experience required for the job and that you possess them will go a very long way to a winning interview.

4. Prepare answers that show your enthusiasm and interest

Often, when recruiters are faced with choosing between equally qualified candidates, the candidate who exhibited the most enthusiasm and interest in the job will win out. A perfect way to do this is to think about how your personal goals and ambitions tie into the success of the company.

5. Prepare answers that show how you will fit in with the company culture

Because you did your research in step 1, you will understand something about the company culture and be able to demonstrate how you will fit in. For example, if you know the company has strong ties with charity or values of giving back, you could mention your own volunteer work during the interview. When you get asked seemingly random questions like, “If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?” think about your answer in terms of the kind of animal the company needs or wants.

6. Plan your journey so you arrive stress free and on time

The stress of unexpected traffic, getting lost, and other delays can derail an otherwise promising interview, so take steps to ensure that you don’t have to stress. Prepare your outfit the night before to look for rips, stains, the right shoes, etc. Print extra copies of your resume ahead of time. Research your route to the interview, and practice it if you have time to account for any map errors. Check the traffic early and have alternate routes in mind. And give yourself some extra time; even if you arrive early and end up sitting in your car or the lobby for a few minutes, you will be less stressed than if you arrive late.

It may seem like common sense, but taking the time to do your research, prepare your answers, and plan your journey will have a huge impact on how well you perform at your next interview.

I hope these six simple steps make sense? Do you have any successful tips for great job interviews that you would add to this list? As always, I would love to hear about your ideas and thoughts in the comments below.


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You might also be interested in my slide deck about the toughest interview question of all and how to answer it:

About : Bernard Marr is a globally recognized expert in strategy, performance management, analytics, KPIs and big data. He helps companies manage, measure and improve performance.


Hi Bernard. thanks so much for the tips. I do agree with you that these are essential and will put one in good stead.All the best to you. I wil lcontinue reading.

Nazargeldi Ilgeldiyev

Materials Service Advisor

10 年

“If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be?” If company would ask this question my reply will be F....k was I too drunk that I might read this job announcement in a zoo. I would never go to the company who treat employees like slaves or animal even if the question's answer gives some understanding about candidates character.

Eyea P. Sarlie

Budget Officer at Ministry of Finance & Development Planning--

10 年

Thanks for these points they're all interesting, and very educative. I think going through them is one thing and practicing is another. Practicing in front of a friend or mirror before the interview, could boost your chances, take some fear away, and helped you correct mistakes.

Nicolas Althuser

Responsable d’exploitation de site, Clinique Rhéna

10 年

It sound great and can work but it's limited to a face to face interview and even in that case the questions are so random that it's not a 100% guaranty, but the most important is to believe in yourself and being confident.

soroush khaki

construction manager

10 年

i think a job interview is consisted of three level which if we're going to get a job, should be noticed carefully: 1.preparation 2.during the interview 3.after interview the steps noted in this article are the DO's that should be done in preparation level plus "polishing your image" that is about Laying out your outfit the night before. in the next level "during the interview" do the following: 1.make a good first impression and Be courteous and polite 2. ask questions and think of your interview as a conversation attention to Your Body Language "after the interview" level is consisted of follow up and getting more info about the job and get feedback about interview if got the job



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