It’s Up To You! Step Up!
A. Lynn Jesus Fuson
Transformational Success, Leadership, and Business Solutions Expert and Speaker
Are you waiting for permission?
Are you waiting for someone else to wave the magic wand and give you the go ahead?
Are you sitting on the sideline waiting to get called into the game?
If you are then you are giving away a very important power. And chances are you are giving it away to anybody who will take it.
You are in charge of your life. You are in charge of your dreams. And you are in charge of living your life. It’s up to you.
No one else can give you the consent to move forward.
Usually it is fear that holds us back and is the force behind giving our power away. It is fear of living the life you want despite what others might say. It is fear of what others may think that can stop you in your tracks from living your dream life. It is fear that cripples your ability to take that leap of faith.
But the honest truth is that NO ONE can grant you that permission. It really is up to you. Your passion and drive to be who you are meant to be and live your life according to the purpose you innately know is yours must come from you! And that can be the rub – because chances are this is the hardest permission to grant yourself.
If you feel like you are on the edge of really claiming your life on your terms, but are hesitant, take a moment and check in with yourself. If you know, like you know, like you know, that you have a purpose driving your life what is stopping you from taking that first step?
Some things that will help:
- Write out a purpose statement. Write what you feel is your drive to live life. Review this statement often. It will keep things ignited when fear and doubt try to snuff out your fire.
- If you are unsure if you are on the right track write down a list of pros and cons to making a change. Clarity comes from seeing things in black and white.
- Journal about how you are feeling. List your obstacles. List your fears. Then review and see if they are constructs to keep you from taking action, or actual issues to be handled.
- Write a list of 3-5 next steps. And know that baby steps are totally ok. Making a change or transition does not have to be only grandiose moves.
These ideas will help form a road map to get you moving. The cliché is true – often the first step is the hardest. Don’t let fear rob you of your purpose and happiness to live life on your terms. The world is waiting for you. Take that step!