How bad do you want to be successful..!!
Desire, it's just the utter desire to achieve a particular thing makes every person on this planet work hard. It may be a desire for money, education, girl, car, bike, luxurious house or any damn thing, may be to impress someone or just because you loved it or you wish to enjoy it. The tiny spark that is generated, gets transformed into a wild fire, until a strong gush of wind passes by and blows away everything. This gush of wind might be a distraction of any form. Millions of reasons might be possible behind it, you can count them from giving up to a death ceremony of a close one, from losing a girl to getting in contact with a new one, from counter strike to DOTA, from IPL to World cup, from FIFA to La Liga it may be anything, but it is just a reason, a reason not strong enough to destroy your thought, your passion, your hard work, your desire.
Oh wait over here..!! Did I say anything wrong? I feel that the reasons portrayed above are actually some of the most common ones that destroy your hard work that was done till date to achieve. I know that by now you must have recalled something that you longed to have, but because of certain circumstances you gave up on that particular thing. So here comes the sudden realization, what to do now..!! How should I chase my dreams? How should I pursue my goals or desires and accomplish them? I don't care how you do it, I am inking my thoughts over here to get you out from there, I am here to share my experience. I was also like you someday in the distant past, but I overcame the feeling of sinking in. I know that some of you might not be confident to take a step further or you might even count the stars in the sky before trying your best.
You know what, great people never count days, they count hours, they count minutes and even seconds. They don't even have a second to spend. They don't pretend it, but they are into their pursuit of achieving, their desire to achieve is what makes them do so. Every second they spend, they count on them. Let's take your daily routine, you sleep for how many hours? 8, right? So now you are left with just 16 hours, in that 16 hours, you spend nearly 2 hours on eating and getting fresh, you shit and pee right? You are now left with just 14 hours of the day. In this 14 hours you spend sometime talking to your girlfriend/boyfriend, parents, relatives, friends, count on it and that's nearly 1.5 to 2 hours. So now you are left with 12 hours. Oh wait, WTF, you just wasted 12 hours nowhere. Now you will spend sometime on social networking websites and on web, you will spend sometime with your neighbor, you will spend sometime on daily redundant activities. That will leave just 10 hours or may be less in your hands. Lets take up your efficiency and round it up to 8 hours a day. See, you just spend two-third of your day doing nothing, you blasted your present. Now even if you work hard sticking your ass on one plane in space, then also you are not going to achieve it. Dude, there are thousand fucking more people who are eyeing the same thing and in that, there might be a few who will be working for 18 hours a day, constantly. They are working hard enough to crush anyone. Now that's what you call spirit. Just see where you stand, while they are already at the top of the stair. It's not about how hard you try, it's about how efficiently yo try. You should work your ass off, let it burn hot red, let your body feel the friction between you and success. I assure you that after you achieve it you will get the most re-living feeling in your life.
You know what, when you want to be successful as bad as you want to breathe then you will be successful. If I ask anyone out of you about how much successful you want to be, everyone of you will say that you want to be really successful but it should not be bad, it should not bring you nightmares..!! For most of you, you don't want success as bad as you want to sleep, you don't want success as bad as you want to party, you don't want success as bad as you want to be cool, you don't want success as bad as you want to eat, you don't want success as bad as you want to breathe. For you, becoming successful is a good path to follow. But my dear friend, it is actually the toughest path present around you.
I would recommend you to watch pursuit of happyness at least once. It's a beautiful movie and it will teach you what is meant by successful, and it will teach you how much pain you need to carry in order to be successful. Success ain't easy, you will cry many times during the journey but that cries will worth one fine day.
How many of you know Oscar Pistorius? I think he is famous enough. Do you think that this guy was blessed? Do you still think that he hadn't worked at all to achieve that feat. Do you think is was easy, even to get qualified in paralympics? It yes, they you should give your shot, try running at par with him. I know that most of you will fail. Now that's what you called hard work, he worked, he gave his actual best, he showed his potential, he showed the world what he is and what he can do..!! That's what you call a commendable work, in fact an outstanding work.
If you have come so far trying hard for what you wish to have, then why do you chose to give up after coming so far? Don't you think that all your efforts will go in vain? Why are you making a fool of yourself? Even if you fail for thousand times you shouldn't give up or else your thousand failures will go in vain.
You know, you have come so far, you have faced so many challenges in your life, and you did overcome all of them. Remember the first time you did cycling, you were scared of falling, but you learnt, you failed but you enjoyed the fruits. You din't even know how to walk when you were born, and today just see yourself, you can walk, don't you think that this much is enough to motivate you. Let me tell you some most inspirational lines that I have listened to in my life.
"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now if you know what you're worth then go out and get what you're worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain't you! You're better than that! "
Yes, it's from Rocky Balboa. Dude, why do you let people stick a finger on your face saying you can't do this, you ain't so good, or you are nobody. Don't let them, try hard, give your best shot, just close your eyes and take a deep breadth and think that you can do it and I bet you that you will do it, I have faith in you, I have a believe in you. You are better than what you are today, in fact you can be the best. You just need that wild fire again in your heart, all you need is the burning desire.
Let me tell you about my failures and my hard works. I was in my 12th Grade and I was preparing for the nation's toughest competitive exams, Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). For the whole year I probably slept for nearly 2.5 hours a day. I was usually sleeping in morning 4:30 or 5:00 am after studying the whole night and used to wake up at 7 or 7:15 am and get ready for the school. I went to school, conducted my studies really well. I usually studied for at least 19 hours a day. I was confident to get a seat in IIT. During my practice tests I usually scored near to 99.5 percentiles in online examinations. But the worst was yet to come, before JEE I had to prepare for my boards so I was indulged in the board examinations and the result was I scored distinction within 40 days of preparation for boards. Before 40 days I didn't even looked at my textbook once. But the I lost confidence for JEE examination, I was afraid solving the numerical again, and I made a blunder in my exams. I managed to clear the exam but was not able to secure a seat. Now imagine, a 365 days all round hard work, with continuous efforts of 19 hours each day and you fail, it's a real disaster for you. You feel that you are lost in the deep sea and nowhere to go. This feeling sucks. But I didn't gave up, after that I did some unimaginable works during my under graduation at NIT, Surat. Yes, I collected strength to walk again, I collected strength to fly again, I collected strength to run again and you know what it's always worth to give it a try.
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10 年After watching The secret and Steve Pavlina's blog you are the third one who came up with something which is worth to note.Truly said about the relationship between success and hard work. If u ask me than i am clear enough now about what kind of hard work i must do.& Jinal sir thumbs up for the post.