Almost Nothing Left
David Carrithers
Executive Coach @ | Sales Growth, Start-up Planning
With the recent Fathers Day this past weekend I started to think about my own Dad, Charlie Carrithers.
I have almost nothing left that belonged to my Dad or that he gave me. I do have my one and only Teddy Bear that my Dad bought on the day I was born, at the hospital I was born at. It is my most cherished item I have. I miss my Dad and my Mom (both passed away over 20 years ago), but they both taught me many things. My Dad said little, but he taught me to be respectful, to listen, to not over react and to be kind to those in need.
My Dad once told me, "I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up - not sure anyone really does, but I do know that you should go and make your life what you want it to be - don't wait, don't hide, don't fear and just go do it - this is your only go around so make it worth while." He wrote that in a letter to me when I was graduating college.
My Dad was always there when I needed help or without saying "I love you" he showed it. Like when I was in High School and I was receiving an award my senior year and he was out of town on work. I was a bit sad that he wasn't going to be there with Mom. Sure enough as I was walking up to get the award my Dad was standing in the back smiling. He flew and drove to be there, and then he had to head right back. He showed his love in his own way.
My Dad was a hard worker, was willing to take career chances, made sure we always had food on the table, a roof over our heads. He took me on trips when I was a kid (some of my favorite Dad memories were going to a university with him while he was putting in a new system in I would hang out and watch). I love my Dad and feel thankful he was my Dad.
Three business tips from my Dad:
1. Don't take yourself too seriously, because if you do no one will take you seriously.
2. Don't have a job have a life - find away to not lose yourself as you grow up, stay grounded.
3. Business in the end is about people. People want to be around and work with people they first like and second respect.