3 + 3 Ways to get your career where you want it to be

How excited are you about your day today? Lots? Not at all? Are you going to go in there and set some sales records or are you going to just try and make it through the day? If you are like many people the prospect of getting up and getting to work is not an exciting moment in your day. Many people work at jobs where they feel unfulfilled and unappreciated. They go to work each day feeling down, bored or even worse that they don't care. With a recent poll putting a whopping 85% of us looking to change jobs it's pretty obvious that somewhere over the years there has been a fairly major disconnect between what people used to think was a "good job" and what people now feel is a "good job". Lets be honest here too - No one wants a good job we want a GREAT job.

So what then makes a great job? How can you get EXCITED about going to work every day? I can see people reading this and thinking "My job could never be exciting" or "Maybe if people listened to me my job would be better but no one around here cares so that isn't going to happen" and in some cases you may be completely correct! As we work our way out of the economic slump in many areas of the world it is time for us as sales professionals to really look at our jobs objectively. I was at an event a few years ago where @JeffreyHayzlett was a speaker and he said there are three key evaluations he looks at for whether a job is worth staying at or not. He looks at whether the job:

  1. Helps him to build wealth for himself and his family

  2. Allows him to have fun

  3. Helps and encourages him to grow professionally

While they may seem simple when you get down to it they are all you really need. Personally I have adopted these three items as my evaluation criteria for my work and I have never been more satisfied professionally. Look at your current job through these lenses and find out where you sit. It may be time for a change or perhaps there is a way for you to make a shift. Maybe there is a way to adapt your job to fit what gets you EXCITED. What you are PASSIONATE about. As sales professionals we need to remember that 75% of whether you close a sale with a customer depends completely on how they trust you, feel about YOU as a salesperson and feel about you as a representative of your company! So if you are lacking excitement, passion and focus how can you expect them to care about what you are saying?

So here's the deal. How do you get excited about your job? Look at the following three things:

  1. Evaluate where you are in you career and where you want to be. If you aren't in a place that is going to let you gain valid skills or WORK your way to the next step in your career move on. It will be better for you and better for your now former company.

  2. Once you know you are in a place that has the potential to be EXCITING you have to WORK AT IT! We have all heard the expression that good things come to those that wait. WRONG! Good things come to those that have a plan to create them and the passion and work habits to execute their plan.

  3. HAVE FUN! Get pumped up! Get EXCITED. If you aren't feeling it no one around you is going to feel it either. Stay out of the politics, complaining and negativity that are so common in workplaces and get to work!

Remember your success or your failure depends completely on your ability to get things done and the only way to get things done consistently and with a high level of quality is to love what you are doing!


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