The Simmons Personality Profile
Jasper van der Westhuizen
9001 and ISO14001 accreditation for Golf Courses or any environmentally sensitive area.
Measuring your Emotional Intelligence is one of the most important things you can ever do in your lifetime - significantly improving the quality of your life!
Measuring your Emotional Intelligence (EI) can give you the insight necessary to find your career, tobe more successful in your job, tohave better - more rewarding – relationships, and thereby, tobe happier!You are also likely to receivehealth benefitsas well, as youreduce your stress!
Would these benefits be of interest to you? They should be. We are talking about significantly improving the very quality of your life!
Stop and think about this offer for just a few seconds. What would it mean to you if you could find the career where you would be happy, successful, and make a good income too? How valuable would it be if you could find a way to enjoy your present job, do it better, and perhaps get a raise or a promotion?
What would it be worth to you if you could turn a stressed, unhappy relationship into an easy satisfying relationship? Would you like to have more friends, or better friendships? How important would it be if you could find the keys to lowering you stress, which countless medical studies have shown leads to more energy, less sickness, and longer life? Measuring your Emotional Intelligence and using what you learn is the key to obtaining these goals.
About our Instrument: Since 1975, our test, The Simmons Personal Survey, has measured 13 key emotional characteristics. In our initial independent research on thousands of people and in hundreds of companies, we found that these particular traits were responsible for job success and for success in personal relationships.
20 years later, in 1995, Daniel Goleman published his well-known book titled "Emotional Intelligence". Goleman did a good job of summarizing other's research on a few of these emotional characteristics, (Empathy, Optimism, Self-Awareness, etc.) and borrowed the name Emotional Intelligence from Dr. Peter Solovy. To his credit, Goleman did popularize Emotional Intelligence.
At this time, "Emotional Intelligence" became the international buzz-word for the emotional characteristics that we had so carefully researched and measured for 20 years. Therefore, in 1995, we also began to call our traits Emotional Intelligence. Simmons Management Systems was the first company in the world to measure the complete set of characteristics that are now called Emotional Intelligence!
Contact me for details:[email protected]
Director Human Resources and Corporate Services - Seychelles Ports Authority.
10 年I discovered myself and I was indeed amazed. I did the Simmons Personality Profile exercise conducted by Jasper and I have ever since been looking at myself in a new light. I know my traits, my stengths an weaknesses and I am working on getting myself up there with the best, thanks to Jasper and the Simmons Profilie. A long and hard journey always start with one small step. I would like to invite my fellow professionals to do the profile and gain a new vision of self and your goals. Thank you Jasper.