Give them a better room
Susan Franzen
Founding Principal @ PatternShifts, LLC | PatternShifter, Neuroscience of Leadership, International Coach Federation, Prosci Change Management
Tonight I was watching an episode of "Suits". It's USA Network show about a law firm that only hires graduates of Harvard Law and only takes cases they know they can win. The edgy banter hooked me initially, but now I watch it because of Gabriel Macht.
Anyway, in this particular episode Gabriel's character, Harvey Specter was having a discussion with his boss, Jessica Pearson (played by Gina Torres) about how you retain your best people. Her line was, "If you want someone to stay in your house, you give them a better room."
Simple, yet so profound. It reminded me of a change management program my team and I built for a client several years ago that included a section on "re-recruitment".
Many managers spend the bulk of their time and energy on their poorest performers and may neglect their high performers - the people they really want in their house.
Most high performers wouldn't characterize this as neglect because they thrive on the fact that their boss gets out of their way and lets them do their job. Yet when change strikes and uncertainty sets in, many of them leave - because they can.
Don't assume your best people know they are your best people. Don't assume they know you want them to stay. Don't assume that because of what you may have done for them in the past they won't pack their bags and move out now. If you want someone to stay, give them a better room.