Fear Taught Me Vital Lessons in a Claustrophobic Tunnel
Unknown Photographer in Vietnam

Fear Taught Me Vital Lessons in a Claustrophobic Tunnel

Come back with me to 1968, the height of the Vietnam War. We are in the U.S. Army. We’re members of the 173rd Airborne Brigade. We’re paratroopers—infantry paratroopers.

We’ve just landed in Cam Ranh Bay, on the coast of South Vietnam. Some of us thought we’d be under fire as soon as we landed by commercial flight from the States.

But Cam Ranh Bay is more like a resort area. It’s a vast, sprawling base with places to drink and gamble.

We can see the beautiful blue South China Sea on the horizon. Battle-weary troops come in from the field for in-country R and R—rest and relaxation. But there will be no rest for us for a long time. We settled in for our week-long stay before flying to the Central Highlands of Vietnam.

We will face three enemies in Vietnam. First is the North Vietnamese regular Army. They wear uniforms. Then, the Viet Cong, a guerilla army. They don’t wear uniforms. The Viet Cong have dug an extensive network of tunnels throughout South Vietnam from which they can ambush American and South Vietnamese troops. Finally, we face our own fear of the unknown.

The Army realizes that fear is the most dangerous enemy we face. So, to help us be prepared for our assignments in the field, they sent in Sergeant Davis, Corporal Jones, and Private First Class Smith.

They are “tunnel rats,” those soldiers whose specialty is going into these tunnels to flush out the Viet Cong. It is one of the most dangerous jobs in the Army, if not the most dangerous.

Sergeant Davis teaches us about the tunnels. He and his fellow tunnel rats show us diagrams and photos of the tunnels. We learn that the Viet Cong can eat, sleep, and live in these tunnels—and be ready to ambush us when we least expect it.

By this time, we are confident that we now know about the dangers and realities of the tunnels. I had a good grasp and understanding of them.

Yet Sergeant Davis and his colleagues weren’t done with us.

“OK troops, line up single file and follow me,” commanded Davis, “Corporal Jones, take up a position in the middle, and Private First Class Smith, at the end.”

There were about a hundred and fifty of us. We marched double time and single file behind Davis.

He brought us over to the side of a hill and stopped.

Bending down, he grabbed a dried-up-looking bush, lifting it away from an opening in the ground, which was no bigger than a sewer cover.

I was in the middle of the line but could see the opening looming ahead.

“Please, Dear God, don’t make me go in that hole,” I thought.

Sergeant Davis had other ideas.

“This is a former Viet Cong tunnel,” said Davis. “But don’t worry. There are no Viet Cong in this tunnel. It’s secure. Now, I want you to get back in a single file and follow me into this tunnel. Corporal Jones will keep his position, and Private First Class Smith will take up the rear. Let’s go!”

Davis stepped carefully into the hole.

The line moved forward one by one.

Finally, my turn came.

I watched the man in front of me go in. Then, I stepped down the three rough wooden slats into the tunnel.

Another person came immediately behind me.

I couldn’t stand up straight but could walk with my head and shoulders bent forward.

Not too bad, I thought to myself. I can do this.

Up ahead, I heard people cursing as they bumped their heads on the roof of the tunnel.

It was getting too low to stand anymore.

Now, we began to crouch down.

I couldn’t see anything. There was total darkness except for the occasional flicker of a flashlight.

The tunnel tightened as the roof came lower.

Now, I had to crawl on my hands and knees.

Dirt trickled down my neck, mixing with sweat.

I kept close to the boots in front of me, and the guy behind me kept bumping into my ass.

Claustrophobia kicked in.

I had always been fearful of being in tight spaces.

As we snaked through the tunnel, I was acutely aware of all the people in front of me.

But what terrified me most were the seventy-five or more people behind me.

There was no way out except to keep going forward.

On we crawled. Another thing that terrified me was that we were going down deeper into this hellhole.

I breathed heavily, feeling I wasn’t getting enough oxygen.

Fear and nervous sweat permeated the air.

Sound was muffled down here.

I heard occasional curses and “keep moving for Christ’s sake” from someone crawling a few bodies behind me. I hoped that none of us would panic. There was no room for it. We’d get crushed to death.

We just had to keep going as the line moved slowly forward.

Suddenly, movement up ahead stopped.

The guy behind me bumped me for the umpteenth time. “Why’d you stop,” he hissed at me.

“The whole line is stopped,” I said. “Can’t go anywhere until it moves.”

Whatever the holdup was, apparently, it was over because we began moving slowly.

Soon, I found the cause of the delay.

There was a much tighter opening where each of us had to crawl on our bellies.

I felt like I was going to be buried alive.

But I kept crawling...

Finally, the space widened, and we could crawl on our hands and knees.

Up ahead, I saw an opening!

It was sunlight!

Our pace picked up considerably.

Now, we could almost stand up again.

One by one, we escaped the horror of that tunnel.

Many of those already outside were lighting up cigarettes.

Others, like me, were sinking down on the side of a hill facing the sea.

Sun, sea, and solid ground never looked or felt so beautiful.

Everyone was now out of the tunnel.

Sergeant Davis lets us take our break before leading us back to our debriefing area.

Back then, I gained three things from the experience. Number one: I learned about tunnels. Before, I had an intellectual understanding. Now, I had gut-level knowledge. Number two: I gained a grudging respect for the enemy we were facing. And, number three: I learned that I never wanted to be a tunnel rat!

Many years later, I gained another insight. There are times in our lives when we are in the middle of a stressful, demanding, and frightening situation.

And, as with a dark tunnel, the only way to get through it is to keep moving.

You keep going until you reach the light.


Ken West is the author of seven books designed to help you flourish under challenging situations.

Al Mount

Creator/Designer at Sarges Giftshop

10 年

Excellent storyKen


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