Would love to hear from other women (and men) on how they handle the impossible but necessary task of fitting work, exercise, family time into 24 hours. I've tried to figure out how to make the day longer, but haven't had that much success:).
I'm a theatre producer who gets involved with all aspects of the job from participating in social media to raising money to building a strong team, to appreciating and encouraging the involvement of my investors (besides of course being on top of everything else that goes into producing a show), to keeping up with professional contacts and my friends. I'm a wife, mom and of course, I need to take care of the company's health, which in my case, is my health. I basically just don't have time for it all.
I've learned not to pick up the phone when I'm rushing so I won't be late for appointments. Just because someone wants to talk to you doesn't mean it's a good time for you to talk to them. The "rushing" is a quality I'm also trying to curtail, by trying to be early for things. It's so much more pleasant being the "waiter" for someone and having a book to read or catching up on emails than being the one for whom one is waiting.
I'm trying to cut myself off from the computer before too late at night. It's so easy to work nonstop from morning til night. The light from the computer is actually harmful, can be addictive and wreck havoc with your nervous system. I've followed the suggestion in the evening to turn down the brightness on the screen. I actually left computer and phone at home when I went on a recent vacation. Withdrawal definitely set in, but it was a good thing. I must admit, I did then get on my husband's computer, but just a little bit:)
I have found I can do emails while on the elliptical machine. Meditation is helpful. The biggest challenge seems to be accepting I can't get it all done in a day. And I won't discuss how I'm not working on my writing projects and acting.... and how the pile of potential projects sent to me is growing and growing.
Would love to hear from others about tricks they've discovered! I suppose it's about living and appreciating each day, loving what you're doing and not to expect of yourself what you wouldn't expect of anyone else. And it's about making time, quality time for family and friends.
Your thoughts?
Someone trying to do it all:)
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@Be Fearless Fabulous (will be blogging soon)