Would you gift £5/$5 if I climb to 13,671 ft in 2 days?
Stephen Pitcher
Helping business owners to plan for retirement through specialist pensions, investment & auto-enrolment advice
In aid of multiple charities, in just 16
days I will be climbing, with 45 others, the ‘Mountain of Mountains’, Mount Toubkal in Morocco, the highest peak in North Africa’.
The climb is a sponsored event in aid of multiple local and national charities through St. James’s Place Foundation (www.sjpfoundation.co.uk). I have personally funded the cost of the trip, so any money raised will go straight to the Charities. Also St. James’s Place Wealth Management will DOUBLE the amount raised!
One of the beneficiaries will be The Teenage Cancer Trust. Many of you may have seen the story of Stephen Sutton on the news and in social media, ‘Stephen’s Story’. (https://stephensstory.co.uk)
This young man, the same age as my son was diagnosed with terminal cancer at age 15. He is close to the end of his life and has now raised £2.6m for The Teenage Cancer Trust. He spoke for 15 minutes at St. James’s Place One Day Conference in January. On his bucket list of things to do before I die, he listed “do a bit of public speaking”. He held 4,000 at the London O2 Arena spellbound and received a standing ovation. His message was simple and brilliant. Do it now!
Mount Toubkal is nearly 13,700 ft high and the climb will take 2 days (I am expecting it to be the hardest thing I have ever done).
I would like to ask for your support please. My virgin Money Giving page is:
Thank you for whatever you are able to offer. Any offers of carrying me up the mountain will receive particular gratitude!