With a little help
Inge Geerdens
Entrepreneur | founder CVWarehouse.com | co-founder Your Next Move ? and Foundershub | pitching expert | keynote speaker | independent board member
Do you believe in generosity? I do. I don’t mean giving away money to anyone, but giving what you can. I, for example, am blessed with a strong and entrepreneurial network in business, media and politics. I have learned that access to it is often the most precious gift I can offer. So I regularly spend time liaising and connecting people.
For instance: do you remember Gerda Persoons? I wrote about her a while ago. She beat colon cancer. But at some point in time during her struggle, she had to walk on crutches. Although temporary, it was a very annoying physical disability, making it hard for her to even do the most basic things. Housekeeping for instance. So Gerda got creative and developed an apron that allowed her to get around the house while carrying things. It made a big difference, not in the least for her moral. But she didn't stop there. She wanted it to be available to other people as well and got in touch with me. I found her story very inspiring and liaised with Alsico, a textile company specializing in workwear. Everything else is history. Gerda's "kangaroo apron" is now called the Kanga? and it's available for sale online. Not the sexiest piece in one's wardrobe, but it sure is functional.
Fast forward to a few months ago. I'm sitting at a dinner party March 24, next to Luc Colemont. He's a doctor, specializing in gastroenterology and apparently he knows Gerda Persoons personally. It's a small world. He's looking to raise awareness on colon cancer, a disease that kills over half a million people worldwide per year. That's more than breast cancer. And what's even worse: it's easy (and cheap) to detect and if detected early, there's a 95% cure rate.
Luc told me he had started a twitter stream and a page on Facebook, but it didn't quite take off as expected. I promised him I'd try to help and a few tweets and emails later that same evening, the amount of followers and 'likes' started growing gradually. I also bought 30 boxes of chocolates that his organization was selling to raise funds. I didn't touch a single chocolate. Instead, I forwarded every box to people I had carefully selected in my extended network. Making sure that those V.I.P's would not only get the message, but also further spread it. Luc told me they raised over 20.000 euro for colon cancer research, selling over 5.000 boxes with chocolates.
I'm so proud I joined Gerda and Luc in their efforts. It has been worth every second. I get to meet so many interesting people, whom I would have never spoken to otherwise, making my network even more valuable. There's just one person I'd like to get in touch with now: Brad Pitt. Seriously. We’ve written him a letter.
Can you help?
Sales Executive at Bazaarinegypt
10 年Thank you for sharing these moments of great achievement. A great inspiration.
10 年Thanks for giving what you have...am greatly inspired...I believe I can share some business view with you preferably privately
10 年ken francis ;D
Global Keynote Speaker - Managing Director vzw "Stop Darmkanker" ("Stop Colon Cancer" Foundation) - Gastroenterologist
10 年Txs for this nice (real) story Inge ! "By sharing knowledge we can save lives" You did ! Congrats ! Looking forward to Brad Pitt's reaction :-)
Mechanical Engineer: Mobile and stationary hydraulics; non-insulated and insulated aerial devices.
10 年Amazing to see how one person can be a hub through which other people establish profound and meaningful relationships. This is the only way we can build a truly networked world. Excellent lesson Inge Geerdens.