What’s Wrong with Us? Three Names, One Place, A Company, and a Substance

I loved the movie Four Weddings and a Funeral. Those five events and the people caught up in them were artfully used to convey a spectrum of human emotion, to evoke a panoply of empathies, and to do what good art does-imitate life and help us understand ourselves better.

I doubt I can match that standard, but I, too, would like to help us understand ourselves better, and my list requires 6 entries rather than 5. I need: three names, one place, a company, and a substance.

The three names on my list are Michael Moss, William Davis, and David Perlmutter. There could easily be more names, or just other names- but these will do nicely.

Michael Moss is an investigative journalist and author who has told us that much of our food supply is willfully engineered to be all but addictive. He is not the first to do so. So here we are, mired in chronic disease and rampant obesity, inclined to wring our hands- yet willing to learn that much of the cause is willfully concocted for profit, and respond with a yawn and a ‘ho, hum.’

Folks, where is the outrage? There are PhDs being paid huge salaries to turn your children into type 2 diabetics! Where are the maddened crowds of pitchfork wielding parents and grandparents? There are companies splitting their stocks as surgeons split open the bellies of adolescents and even children to perform bariatric surgery. Where is the righteous indignation?

Let’s move on. Dr. William Davis is the author of Wheat Belly, and Dr. David Perlmutter of Grain Brain. Both are massive best-sellers. And both do what a long parade of previous best-sellers have done. The formula for a best-seller in the realm of health and weight control is to promise the moon and stars, sprinkle pixie dust, refute everything everybody thought they knew before, invoke a scapegoat, or offer a savior. The formula has worked for decades, and been applied to just cutting fat; just adding oat bran; just cutting carbs; just adding protein; just combining this with that; just combining that with this; just cutting sugar; just cutting fructose; just eating grapefruit; just eating cabbage soup; just getting HCG injections; just cutting out gluten; just cutting out wheat; just cutting out all grains; just cutting out meat and dairy; and so on.

The trouble with this is- it’s nonsense. You can cut fat and eat well, or badly. You can be vegan, and eat well or badly. You can cut carbs and eat well or badly. You can cut out grains and eat well or badly. The influence of diet on weight and health is dependent on the overall pattern of the diet- period. All the endless barking up a sequence of trees does is obscure our collective view of the forest. Alas, there are many more ways to eat badly than well, and we seem committed to exploring every one of them. As we do so, we are paying with our lives.

Instead of the unending beauty pageant, my colleagues could all rally around the fundamentals of healthful eating, which are in fact well established. But I guess the allure of fame and fortune is just too great. Besides, offer sensible advice and fail to include scapegoat, savior, conspiracy theory, or pixie dust, and nobody is apt to pay attention to you anyway.

Again, let’s move on. The place is Sochi, Russia. If you have been watching the Olympics on NBC, you have seen, as I have, the continuous juxtaposition of elite athleticism with the crassest of commercial adulterations. Olympic gold medals are featured alongside Chicken McNuggets. The two premier sponsors of the Olympics are McDonald's and Coca-Cola. We are presumably supposed to get the impression that a diet of soda and fries is the fast track to…fast track, or downhill, or figure skating greatness. The official medal count is brought to us each night by McDonald's. Olympic rings? Right this way, under the golden arches…

I rather doubt the problem with this needs much elaboration, but let me hit a couple of highlights. For the most part, elite athletes fuel up very well; they do not run on fries and soda. And to whatever extent our Olympic athletes do indulge in fries and soda, they are apparently unharmed for only the obvious reasons: they are athletic, and young. The athleticism burns through calories, whatever their source- preventing obesity. The youth temporarily forestalls the harms of running the human machine on junk.

But those defenses fail in time. You have doubtless heard about the traumatic brain injury that plagues retired NFL and hockey players. You may not know that they -along with retirees from other professional sports- are plagued even more often by obesity and diabetes. Football players who withstood the pounding of their fellow modern day gladiators for years are no match for a willfully addictive food supply, and quite a few of them wind up needing bariatric surgery. Limbs that withstood body slams and tackles are amputated due to the ravages of diabetes. No, a healthy body cannot run on fries and soda- but we seem not to mind that Madison Avenue is telling our starry-eyed sons and daughters it can. Again, where is the outrage?

As for the company, it could be McDonald's or Coca-Cola, but let’s have it be Dunkin’ Donuts. At least they are honest in telling us what we’re made of: America runs on Dunkin’.

Which brings us to the substance. Frankly, it’s only on a good day America runs on Dunkin’. On an average day, we seem to run principally on BS.

What’s wrong with us? A toxic blend of apathy, collusion, magical thinking, and hypocrisy.

Otherwise, we’re fine.


Dr. Katz was recently named one of the most influential people in Health and Fitness (#13) by Greatist.com. He and his wife, Catherine, have 5 children.

Dr. David L. Katz; www.davidkatzmd.com

Author, Disease Proof


Photo: A half-eaten McDonald's Big Mac hamburger and fries (AFP via Getty Images).

David Howard

Health Services Director at Brunswick County

10 å¹´

Dr Katz, perhaps you could/should add "denial" to your toxic mix... I agree with your assessment, but after reading all the "its about individual responsibility" comments, I get visions of junk food and processed/packaged food executives with wry grins on their faces. They feed on that sentiment, divide and conquer. As long as so many are in denial about how processed and packaged food distrubutors are crafting their products to trigger as strong of a "got to have more" response in our brain's chemistry, not completely dissimilar to what tobacco companies did, we're not getting anywhere! YES, individual and household decision making has a strong role, always has, always will. But there's more to it folks! Stop puffing your chests by boasting about your individual healthy lifestyle choices and expect everyone to just be like you. What is this the 80's and you're Nancy Reagan "Just Say No". That unilinier thinking that comletely discounts the physiologically addictive nature of human brain chemistry and social norm building by those with billions to spend on messaging and advertising is absurd. Advertising has been studying and using emotional branding effectively in concert with food labs (ie test kitchens) for decades. Think about the world everyone has to live in day-to-day. Those people struggling and failing to 'be like you' are our workforce, parents, educators, neighbors! They're not weak, undiciplined sloths, they're just not you. How about we all stop allowing salespeople to coopt the brand of American Rugged Individualism to squelch our community/citizenry voice to control the environment we all live in together! Real life "experiment": China has spent the last few decades living and eating more and more like the US (in general). But what's equally important is that the general day-to-day environment Chinese people live in has become more like that of US residents. Their diabetes number has shot from miniscule a few decades ago to now equaling roughly the population of Mexico! They aren't all incapable of making healthy choices, it just became virtually impossible for many because of the combination of what became available and what was learned about how to enjoy their new- found wealth, live like the rich Americans! I would challenge everyone to pretend their livlihood, pursuit of happiness, and health depended equally on population health as much as personal health, and then realize this is actually the case, not pretend! Then, realize how incredibly important it is for us, everyone, to take charge and remain in charge of the environment we live in. Join up with your neighbors, those like you already AND those struggling to live healthy, and be heard! "We want living healthy and productive to be easy, not hard!". Who made the rule that we all have to put up with having use significant self-dicipline, control, individual responsibility, and constant self-monitoring just to be healthy!? One last point - if your out there using excellent self-dicipline, scheduling of exercise, mindfull and intentional shopping and food prep and all that, you're likely still suffering from one of most under recognized killers of long, happy, and productive life: stress, and you don't even realize it. If it's at least moderately stressfull on a continual basis to make decisions to live healthy, you're stressed! And that's not healthy either. And the only way to decrease that stress (not cope, but actually decrease it) and make it feasible and natural to live healthy is to improve the environment you/we live in each day/hour/minute, not expect everyone to individually live in varying degrees of elevated stress trying to navigate "healthy" everyday.

Kathie Beck

FCSEM Conference Planner, Retired FCS teacher, Former Nat'l Master Financial Educator at Take Charge Today

11 å¹´

I love it that my almost 4-year-old grandson recently asked, "what are French fries?" It's all about careful choices.

Sacha Veillette

Conseiller, coach, et entrepreneur

11 å¹´

A quick note, unrelated to the post: I tried clicking on your web site URL, but it currently points to www.davidkatmd.com, without the z, and gets re-directed to some weird hunting site. Perhaps a typo in the URL behind the link... Your web site, with the z, is correct. But anyone just clicking on the link posted at the bottom of this post would end up in the wrong place. I have not checked your other posts to see if it is always the case. Er, very good post, by the way.

ichaka diawara

il mio celulara 3209352722 presso cerco lavoro

11 å¹´

haw are you



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