10 Drivers That Ruin Your Commute

Bad drivers. They drive us all crazy. It’s like they don’t realize driving is a communal activity. You don’t drive in a vacuum, yet far too many drivers get behind the wheel and act as if they’re the only ones on the road.

It doesn’t take much to be a good driver. It’s really quite simple -- be aware of your surroundings and be courteous to other drivers.

And let me guess...you drove to work today, right? So it’s no wonder commuting is often one of the most complained-about aspects of the job.Stressful commutes can lead to weight gain, poor health, and even loneliness. Researchers from Sweden even found couples where one partner commutes for 45 minutes or more were more likely to end in divorce.

I recently polled my Facebook friends to see which driving pet peeves drive people the craziest. Here are the top 10 people behind the wheel giving you road rage:

10. Drivers who box you in.


It drives us all crazy when other cars drive directly next to the car in front, putting our safety at risk. Speed up or slow down, but don’t drive directly next to someone! If there’s something in the road you have to avoid, the driver next to you has made it basically impossible to maneuver. Once again, it goes back to the lesson of being aware of your surroundings.

9. Drivers who don’t wave.


When some people get on the road, their manners fly out the window. If you politetly let a car in front of you, the decent thing to do is wave your thanks. Too many drivers forget there are human beings operating the vehicles around them on the road.

A quick wave is such a small gesture, yet it shows your appreciation for a good driving deed. The wave humanizes us when we’re on the road, helping us remember that behind the glass and steel are real people just trying to get to their destination as safely as possible. Once again, we’re all on the road together.

8. Drivers who can’t merge onto the freeway.


I’m driving along on the freeway, minding my own business, when another driver almost merges right into my car. There’s nothing like a near collision to start the workday! How hard is it to spot another car when merging?

Apparently, it’s more difficult than you’d think. A study found less than 70 percent of drivers could identify a vehicle merging correctly onto the highway. The proper way to merge is to be aware of your surroundings. Unlike drivers who just assume the other cars on the road will make way, responsible drivers will check mirrors and speed up or slow down in order to avoid disrupting the traffic flow.

7. Drivers who never use their turn signals.


Considering how infrequently some drivers use turn signals, you’d think they were a hidden feature of most automobiles. A last minute signal forces us responsible drivers to slam on the breaks when the car in front suddenly makes a turn.

It’s frustrating and dangerous for drivers to completely ignore their turn signals. It’s especially dangerous when drivers turn from the wrong lane without even a signal as warning. We don’t all suddenly become mind readers when we get behind the wheel.

6. Drivers who slam their brakes at the first sign of a yellow light.


While it’s not always a good idea to speed through a yellow light, suddenly slamming the brakes isn’t a great way to handle the situation either. I often end up behind that driver that thinks it’s a good test of my coordination first thing in the morning.

This one is tough and basically comes down to a split-second decision. The standard yellow light time is 4.2 seconds on a 45 mph road. However, research has found 4.2 seconds is not enough time in many situations, so it’s best to base your decision on traffic patterns. When my father taught me to drive, he said I should check my rearview mirror. Is someone following close behind and might rear-end if you stop suddenly? Be aware of everyone else driving on the road before you pump the breaks.

5. Drivers who don’t maintain speed.

You’re just driving along, minding your own business, and going at a reasonable clip. Suddenly, you end up behind a car continuously speeding up and slowing down. You know this person is lost and probably checking a map or smartphone for directions. Maybe they’re looking at house numbers or trying to find a street sign.

As a driver, you have to remember you’re not the only one on the road. It’s important to maintain a healthy speed so you match the other cars around you. Getting lost happens, and it’s happened to everyone on the road. If you’re lost, pull off to the side and get your bearings, don’t do it mid-drive.

4. Drivers who tailgate.


There’s nothing worse than a driver close enough to read every single one of your bumper stickers. Tailgate a sporting event, not my car on the road.

Before you fly into a road rage from being tailgated, ask yourself if your own driving is faultless. Are you cruising in the left lane? Are you going much slower than the overall flow of traffic? Remember, just because you’re going the speed limit doesn’t mean you’re a good driver.

3. Drivers who are texting on the road.


This could easily be the No. 1 item on the list; it’s both annoying and prevalent in our everyday driving experience now. We’ve all been behind someone who is driving erratically, only to pass the driver and discover them staring at their phone instead of the road. I know that driver isn’t watching the road if they’re busy composing the perfect tweet. No “OMG” or “LOL” is worth a car accident.

If you’ve somehow managed to avoid all the texting and driving PSAs, the Distracted Driving Law has been adopted by many states and covers texting on the road. Drivers texting and driving are practically asleep at the wheel. When you’re on the road, driving should be your main priority...not updating your Facebook status.

2. Drivers who don’t pull into the intersection to turn.


Skittish drivers can be just as irritating as overconfidence behind the wheel. In my home city of Los Angeles, I’ve seen far too many people hang back from the intersection when trying to make a turn. In L.A., there are few arrows, which means these Nervous Nellies ultimately get me stuck waiting in traffic light purgatory forever.

If you’re turning left on a green light, you should pull into the intersection while waiting. This ensures your vehicle has a short turn across traffic. My father always taught me to keep my wheels straight while waiting, so if you get rear-ended you won’t be pushed into traffic. However, if you don’t pull into the intersection when the light is green, then you aren’t allowed to leave the intersection once the light changes. So everyone behind you gets stuck waiting forever, and we’ve got places to be.

1.Drivers who cruise leisurely in the passing lane.


Listen, the passing lane isn’t where you go if you want to relax on the road and take in the scenery. Yet one of the No. 1 complaints is how many drivers will speed up, enter the left lane, and then refuse to drive an adequate speed. This happens to me all the time, and it makes me furious. The left lane is for passing other cars, not passing the time.

Refusing to use the passing lane for passing is not just annoying, it’s also illegal! Slower Traffic Keep Right” is the law in most states. The failure to drive on the right and pass on the left can cause traffic congestion, slow emergency response, motivate aggressive driving, and even cause accidents. There’s nothing wrong with the right lane, so keep out of the left unless you’re planning on passing.

What drivers drive YOU crazy? Share in the comments!

About Ilya Pozin:

Founder of Open Me and Ciplex. Columnist for Inc, Forbes & LinkedIn. Gadget lover, investor, mentor, husband, father, and '30 Under 30' entrepreneur. Follow Ilya below to stay up-to-date with his articles and updates!

Hans J?rgen Pedersen

Senior Business Analyst in Business Intelligence and Decision Support

11 年

The funny part is: These bad habits are actually true to bicycle riders in Copenhagen, Denmark, as well! Just no. 2 isn't: We are not allowed to toy around in the intersection while waiting to make a turn - so the ones doing THAT isn't hesitating at all... And yes, we do have "freeways" - though I like to refer to them as "main traffic arteries". To merge from a side road into a group of 50+ bicycle riders going at top speed isn't for the foolish or faint-hearted! And doing it on a red light while texting is plain stupid. So, my conclusion must be that silly people are everywhere. In Los Angeles they go by car, in Copenhagen they go by bicycle. And the rest of us are equally annoyed by them!

Zara H.

Registered Nurse at Hospital ICU and PACU

11 年

I want all the motorcyclists be banned from the streets AND the freeways. It's ridiculous how invincible they think they are driving 200miles/h when the driver in the car didn't even have a chance to spot him!! When I hear the irritating bike sound I become so tense, I almost stop and don't move forward because I never know where they can just appear from!

Steffen Prowe, Dr.

Professor for Microbiology at BHT (Berlin University of Applied Sciences)

11 年

Car drivers who pass bike commuters with a minimal distance less than a sheet of paper. DRIVE MORE BY BIKE! And for those who are afraid to sweat: https://www.superpedestrian.com/

Maureen Schilling

Software Engineer/Product/Product Designer Recruiter

11 年

Along Brian's line of the ambulance, the people at the back of the line that pulled over for the ambulance but now quickly try to jockey for a new position before everyone can safely get back on the road and back up to speed

Brian Hege

Senior Sales and Project Coordinator at We-Bore-It, LLC

11 年

#11. Drivers who do not pull over to the side to clear a path for an ambulance to pass by. I've had a child in one of these speeding ambulances trying to get to its destination. None of us is more important than the ambulance getting to the hospital. Every second counts...and pulling over can help save a life.


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