What if patient's come first ?
Lucien Engelen
Health(care) strategy & digital transformation Maven. International Ambassador Nursing Innovation. (im)Patient. International keynote speaker. Makes things happen.
A patient stated "At the end of my stay in the hospital, eight physicians had signed the journal and as much as 60 nurses, and i'm sure some people didn't sign the journal". Those are the kinds of things we have a blind spot for. You have to address that in top programs, lectures, education.
"Healthcare is the ónly service that touches everybody" said James Merlino in his opening of the REshape Masterclass November 25th. James is the Patient Experience Officer of the Cleveland Clinic, where one of the other LinkedIn Influencers Coby Cosgrove is CEO.
Although it is widely known that healthcare states to put patients in a 'central role' it's obvious that almost all processes are build around the professionals in stead of the targeted groups. I tend to call healthcare systems eGo-systems that should migrate into eCo-systems.
Together with Skipr and HR2020 we organized this REshape Masterclass to emphasize the impact of focussing on the patient (and family, informal care).
How to migrate from a professional centric into a patient centric organization. What skills are needed to facilitate that transition, how to incorporate patients into this process.
Merlino thinks that 90% of people who work in healthcare are there for the right reasons. "Also there is probably a percentage who want to do the right thing, but don't have any idea how to do it, and there's a small percentage of people who don't belong here." he says.
Those are the questions that came along in this masterclass. Ever since 2010 as Radboudumc we have have had a warm relationship with the Cleveland Clinic. Together taking the journey towards patients where arriving is less important than make the trip together with patients.
Share your ideas of simple things that could be improved in a simple way below.
Prof. & HOD Pathology at Sri Aurbindo Institute Of Medical Sciences
11 å¹´Patient centric care is a dream and hope it comes true in near future.The health care is day by day entering into business centric mode from professional centric mode.
Health(care) strategy & digital transformation Maven. International Ambassador Nursing Innovation. (im)Patient. International keynote speaker. Makes things happen.
11 å¹´Yesterday i wrote some reflections on 2013 ticking away, looking back, trying to connect the dots. https://www.dhirubhai.net/today/post/article/20131228140136-19886490-big-ideas-for-2013-took-the-right-path?trk=mp-reader-card
Chief Executive Bloomfield Hospital
11 å¹´This is a challenging post to think that" 90% of people who work in healthcare are there for the right reasons" and to think that in 2013 with all our technology and advances that we need to to migrate from a professional centric into a patient centric organization and are grappling with what skills are needed to facilitate that transition, how to incorporate patients into this process. A very reflective and thought provoking article. I really liked it and how it made me reflect on our processes
Clinical Materials Resource Coordinator at Wishard Health Services
11 å¹´First of all if you want the focus to be totally patient centered, Nurses need to take more time than they have to cover the "whole" patient and do the education and teaching that is needed along with confirmation that they understand. So #1 is more nurses and decrease the nurse to patient ratio. Has anyone ever done a study on Nurses and what it takes to be patient focused and the time involved? Everyone want patient centered care but nurses can only do so much in such a little time. Secondly the careplan needs to reflect what each and every patient needs in the way of education and not just the meds and treatments and I&O's. Again someone needs to get in there with the patient and get personal and again that takes time. Until health centers and hospitals stop pushing the nurses to do more, more more, patient focus care is not going to ever take off.