Your Most Important Career Question - And How To Answer It
Bernard Marr
?? Internationally Best-selling #Author?? #KeynoteSpeaker?? #Futurist?? #Business, #Tech & #Strategy Advisor
Are you in the right job? Is your career going the right way? Occasionally, we should pause, and ask ourselves some fundamental questions. I believe there is no career question that is more fundamental than this one:
Are you happy to go to work?
It might seem obvious, or even trivial, but I would argue that we don’t ask this question often enough. I can honestly say that I have always enjoyed work - of course, there are days and sometimes weeks when I didn’t, but for most parts I was (and still am) very happy to go to work. Whenever I started to feel less happy at work, I simply looked for a new job that would make me happier. A few years ago, my wife did the same. She felt less happy in her marketing career and within a week started her training to become a teacher – a job she absolutely loves.
We spend too much time and effort at work not to be happy. If we don’t enjoy work, it reduces our overall quality of life and makes us less effective at our job.
Of course, what we consider work and what makes us happy is different for everyone. However, when it comes to happiness at work - like with most things in life - the secret lies in achieving a balance between different things.
Here are my top 6 job attributes that will make us happy to go to work:
- Sense of Purpose. Do you feel that your job has a purpose you believe in? We all want to be part of something bigger and, if we believe the job we are doing helps to achieve a higher goal, then we will be happier and more engaged.
- Recognition and Reward. Do you feel appreciated at work? The obvious way to reward people is to pay them. However, money is not enough, we need to feel appreciated and recognized and here, a simple ‘thank you’ goes such a long way.
- Learning. As human beings, we love learning and developing new skills. Do you have the opportunity to learn something new in your job? Do you get a chance to develop?
- Sense of Achievement. We all love the sense that we have achieved something. Do you see the fruits of your labor at work? Do you feel that you are productive and good at your job? Feeling a sense of achievement helps to boost our confidence and self-esteem.
- Autonomy and Control. Do you feel that you are working autonomously and that you are in control of what you are doing? Or, do you constantly feel at the mercy of someone else’s decisions? Autonomy and control allow you to bring your creativity and problem solving skills to the table.
- Friendship and Companionship. Do you feel a sense of belonging at work, where you work with people you like and get on with? Is there a good atmosphere where people trust each other and friendships flourish?
Try to score each of these (where 0=not there; 1=to some extent there; 2=very much there). This way you can find gaps you could possibly do something about. If not, look for a new job in which you get a higher score. And remember, a high score for money won’t make up for a low score in most other things!
When you are too happy at work
Here is a little warning: Some people love their work so much that they become workaholics. Often because work gives them a sense of purpose; they feel rewarded and recognized; they learn so much; they get constant sense of achievement, feel in control and have a strong sense of belonging. Always remember that you can be happy at work but miserable in life – especially if you are missing or neglecting essential things, like love, health, family, friendship, etc.
What do you think? Do you agree or disagree? Are there other job attributes you would add to this list? Please share your thoughts.
As always, I really appreciate you reading my post and hope you liked it. Here, at LinkedIn, I regularly write about management and technology issues and trends. If you would like to read my regular posts, then please click 'Follow' (at the top of the page) and feel free to also connect via Twitter, Facebook and The Advanced Performance Institute.
Other recent posts by Bernard Marr:
- Stop! Don't Use These Words - They're So Irritating!
- The Tale-Tell Signs Of A Bad Boss
- Stop Using These 30 Phrases At Work!
- The One Thing Successful People NEVER Do
- The 2 Words That Will Change Your Life Forever..
- Big Data: The Mega-Trend That Will Impact All Our Lives
- The 4 KPIs Every Manager Must Use
Senior Commercial & Financial Controller
8 年Mehdi Mirhadi
Engineer (Supply Chain - Local Parts Supplier Quality) | Voice Over / Actor
9 年Good read! This is also a point of reflection since work can become a routine that it may cause complacency. If I'm not learning then maybe I'm not looking at hidden opportunities or lessons I might greatly learn from. It can be from people relations, documentations, or just about anything! There's always something to gain insight from!
9 年The biggest challenge in life is to ignore knowledge. Life is full of surprises but knowledge bleeds certainty. Your supply of knowledge blends well with my life and provides a projected headway thank you.
? Workday Specialist | Payroll Consultant | HRIS Implementations
9 年I agree wholeheartedly! I spent much of my work life, well...working, with the hope that it would be something that I enjoyed, was reasonably good at and succeeded at until I was no longer challenged. I would then move on to a new challenge. I have found in more recent years, since I too actually enjoy working and can't envision a time that I won't be working, a much stronger desire to make sure that my "work" is actually something I truly love. I have taken a step (a leap actually) towards finding a work-life balance, while being able to be passionate about what I do, and earn a living at the same time. Ironically, I find the longer I work, the greater my desire to contribute is and to grow personally/professionally at the same time. I appreciate your observations as I am working on my "newest challenge." I would, however, disagree with the idea that being a workaholic is the result of being "too happy." I think there are many reasons for the workaholic life style but I would say the vast majority are not doing it out of love for the job. (Just my observation). Thanks again!
Broadcast Media Professional
10 年here in England Uk teachers go on strike firebrigade go on strike I guess they would make good tenpin bowlers getting a lot of strikes that would be going on them if the goverment had the baseball pollicey of 3 strikes and your out I guess they would not go on strike as much I guess that might make a bit more than 80% if you inclued postal workers