What Inspires Me: Companies That Ask Why
Changing the world is easier said than done, right? But making an impact might not be as hard as you think -- you just need some inspiration to get moving in the right direction.
For me, changing the world comes in the form of finding solutions to problems, all to make life easier. What’s my inspiration? Surrounding myself with successful individuals. People and businesses that solve real problems are what compels and motivates me in all that I do and pushes me to accomplish even more.
One of the things I find most rewarding and motivating is asking “Why?” and “How?” when it comes to looking at a problem. Life is too short not to make things easier, faster, and altogether better. Oftentimes answering these questions is easier when you’re inspired by the people you surrounded yourself with. Here are a few examples of questions to ask yourself when you’re ready to improve the world we live in:
How Can We Make Life Easier?
Every day we’re faced with challenges and problems that come in all shapes and sizes. For some, avoidance or settling is the solution, while others search for ways to stamp out these daily annoyances to make life a little bit easier.
John Tabis, founder of TheBouqs.com, an LA-based cut-to-order online flower delivery company, is one person who is well-versed on making life a little bit easier. He and his team felt the online flower buying process sucked, so they did something about it. Their solution was a straightforward, honest, and incredibly easy way to purchase flowers and get them to your loved ones. Sure, they may not be changing the world, but they’re making it a little easier to make life personal again.
How Can We Make Life Better?
Deciding what would make the world a better place is definitely in the eye of the beholder. For Jake Nickell, founder of Threadless, an ecommerce site for user-generated T-shirt designs, making life better meant giving creative minds a community forum to support, make, and sell great art. The artists’ lives were made better by the fact that they not only got to spread the word about their art, but also gained exposure and profit in the process.
What’s most inspirational about the story behind Threadless is that solving a problem always came first. They weren’t worried about logistics, marketing, or even building a business. So regardless of whether you have a small or large problem to solve, there’s a lot of prosperity that comes from prioritizing answering the “Why?” or “How?” above everything else.
How Can We Get Things Done Faster?
Efficiency is a big part of my life and I am constantly looking to add an extra 10 minutes to my day. This could mean something as simple as using my GPS to find the fastest route during my morning commute to work.
One timeless example of solving the problem of getting something done faster is CliffsNotes. This may feel like a flashback to high school, but this series of literary study guides transformed the way we read today. We all lead busy lives, which means we need to make the most of our time, and these guides got straight to the point of great literary compositions. Today we see this same quick-read action taking place in tip-focused blog posts that help us be more efficient and productive with our reading time.
How Can We Make Life More Enjoyable?
Let’s face it: There are some mandatory tasks in life that just aren’t generally enjoyable. But who says we can’t change that? Take the whole travelling-via-taxi experience, for example. You need to get from point A to point B, but wouldn’t be it be far more enjoyable if you didn’t have to flag down a cab or pay your fare with a slow credit card machine?
Uber, a mobile application that connects passengers with drivers of luxury vehicles for hire, eliminates virtually everything that’s not enjoyable with the taxi experience. Traveling is made more enjoyable by getting the chance to ride in a sleek vehicle that arrives when you need it, while all monetary transactions take place via your smartphone. This is an awesome solution to a problem nearly everyone has experienced.
How Can We Change The Future?
Sometimes it’s easier to solve problems for things we’re facing today, but it takes a little more inspiration to think of the big picture and change things for the future. I personally want to make improvements so my kids have a better future.
One inspiring person who’s currently looking towards the future is Tesla founder Elon Musk. He’s been working on a top-secret Hyperloop -- a vehicle he says will take passengers from Los Angeles to San Francisco in a mere half hour. While the design has yet to be released, the sheer act of solving this commute with a pneumatic tube train is genius.
Making an impact isn’t as out of reach as you think. Let the inspiring, problem-solving acts of others empower you to change the world.
What inspires you to change the world?
About Ilya Pozin:
Founder of Ciplex. Columnist for Inc, Forbes & LinkedIn. Gadget lover, investor, mentor, husband, father, and '30 Under 30' entrepreneur. Follow Ilya below to stay up-to-date with his articles and updates!
Operation at Bigasoft
11 年great
Working to improve Employee Experience at HEINEKEN Vietnam
11 年When you solve a problem, your solution become a product with value. The more valuable your product, the more it will change the world. Easier, Better, Faster. Great article!
Learning and Development Consultant at Royal Caribbean International
11 年The desire of changing the world or whatever is around you has 2 origins: Identification or Frustration! Identification to what has been done and accomplished and the commitment to continue a legacy and improve the current results. On the other hand the complete opposite, frustration can also drive you justifying your feeling of disagreement to the current scenario and the desire of making it different, stronger, more relevant, more efficient and so forth! I personally want to transform the education system in my country, Brazil, but that is my life goal. And step by step I will build my dream and make it real not only to me, but to the people. And right now this goal has been driven by Frustration!