Do you care if Facebook is hiding posts?
New York Times columnist Nick Bilton tells me he's having a Facebook identity crisis. In a recent column, Nick alleges that Facebook isn't just promoting paid content, it's suppressing unpaid content. Hunter Walk, former director of product management at YouTube thinks there could be other factors at play.
I had a fascinating chat with Nick and Hunter on the show where we took things a step further. Whatever the reasons, Nick's problems with Facebook reveal broader issues Facebook may be having with its own identity, and with its monetization strategy.
Facebook says in a statement that it always tries to show users the most relevant stories to maximize engagement:
"There have been recent claims suggesting that our News Feed algorithm suppresses organic distribution of posts in favor of paid posts in order to increase our revenue. This is not true...There are numerous factors that may affect distribution, including quality and number of posts."
Have you noticed any changes with what you're seeing on Facebook? Are you, too, having a Facebook identity crisis? Do you care?
Host of the " The Spraque Gospell Fest" at Festival of Faith
10 年Is your mother Sonya Chang? If she is please say hello from me and wish her the very best! may God bless you and your family in Jesus'name Cedric
escape artist, inventor of whimsy, designer with dirty hands
10 年I can't remember what posts I may have lost, nor do I remember liking all the things I liked (that's probably something I did on my end though). But considering they need to monetize it, I can deal with the commercial aspects of it. I recently had a complaint filed against me on FB, and they didn't delete what I considered to be the worst of the worst posts, so I'm glad they aren't treating us like the people in Fahrenheit 451 where they get rid of anything that is not 100% politically correct.
Distributor / Consultant at Carexx OG
11 年Great for awareness. Right or no right the tube would not end activities just like it goes at
Land, Investment Developer, C21 Caribbean Bienes Raices
11 年i made a negative comment about Columbus Day on facebook, because Cristabol Colon, (real name) never, ever set foot on the continent of NA, he landed in the caribbean, Dominica, then went to Venezuela, and I was immediately shutdown on facebook for over an hour. ?????????????????