Don't Fall For the 'War on Startups' Talk
While President Obama and House Republicans do Fiscal Cliff battle over raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans, Californians have voted to do just that. Under the recently passed Prop 30, there are four new tax tiers for taxable income from $250,000 to $1 million. The new revenue, perhaps $6.8 billion, is ostensibly (though maybe not) earmarked for education.
The voter mandate, which handily won 54%-46%, is bringing out not just anti-tax hawks, but a new group seeing disaster in the making: the startup crowd. Because of this tax, the argument goes, California's entrepreneurs will start entrepreneuring less. Adios Silicon Valley.
Unpacking the argument is (among others) Redbeacon founder Ethan Anderson, who in an AllThingsD guest column likens the tax increase to "expropriation" rather than a... tax increase. He raises fears of developing nation tactics and "country risk premium" and is horrified the hike actually applies "retroactively" to income earned in the same tax year in which Prop 30 passed.
The stark warning about, and advertised promise for, Prop 30 is identical: It targets people least likely to feel the pinch. The "unfairness" spin, however, is novel: Pity entrepreneurs and the people they underpay with equity and promises of a windfall, which mostly never comes. But hit one out of the park and their hard-fought gains are now going to be "expropriated." The definition of "expropriation?" An adjusted gross income of $1 million taxed at a top marginal rate of 13.3% instead of 10.3%.
Oh, but Occupy Silicon Valley could be so much worse now that the lid is off, per Anderson.
"A precedent has been set with Prop 30. What would stop voters or legislators from passing a 100 percent top marginal rate extending back to 2010? You might scoff at the notion, but the state has now determined it can legally reach into individuals’ savings accounts and take money out on a whim."
Then there's the chilling effect. Here’s the thing: It doesn’t exist. At least not for the crowd who actually cares about creating new companies or investing in great ones. If you make your business decisions based on a tax you might owe if you're successful, Warren Buffett has some advice for you: You're an idiot.
"... (M)aybe you’ll run into someone with a terrific investment idea, who won’t go forward with it because of the tax he would owe when it succeeds," Buffett wrote in a New York Times Op-Ed calling for a minimum federal tax on the wealthy. "Send him my way. Let me unburden him."
Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Prop 30 will turn The Valley to a ghost town. Eastward Ho commences the stampede of start-up tax exiles, perhaps to New Hampshire or Delaware or even New York, which still coddles denizens of Silicon Alley with an 8.97% rate on AGI of $500,000.
Among the ironies of this trumped up Armageddon is that California's revenue crisis has its roots in another voter mandate — Proposition 13 — which elevated Howard Jarvis to anti-tax stardom 30 years before there was a Tea Party. That 1978 law reduced property taxes to 1975 levels — there's retroactive, for you — and tied increases to inflation, but capped them at 2% a year.
Naturally, with less revenue and the same bills to pay, property-tax-starved municipalities (which pay the lion's share for public schools) had to find money elsewhere. Like increases in regressive sales taxes which, unlike progressive income taxes, take a greater bite out of what lower income people get to keep.
Analysis from UCLA's Anderson Forecast is that California's economy will slow, but not sputter under Prop 30. So all that's left now is the moaning. Let's hope that drops off a cliff of its own.
(Image: Mort Kunstler's, 'The Rough Riders')
Western Exterminators
12 年Rosemary Gotshall Government is a money eating machine that needs to function within its means. If we all try to live within our means why can’t government do the same? At what point do we think that enough is enough? For those who continue to claim that taxes were higher in the 1940s and 50s they do not take into account that tax exceptions were also greater back then. No one paid 90%. Taxes are more complicated than that and whoever says they aren’t is lying. Here is a website that shows the twists and turns our tax codes have taken throughout the years. Americans were able to right off much more than we could today. For example credit card interest was a deduction. The wealthy have ways of hiding their money, they buy homes in states without income taxes they have overseas bank accounts, and they hide their money where ever they can. They have the money to hire a personal accountant to find the loopholes. Therefore, once the government realizes they can’t get what they want from the so called “rich” who is next in line?
Back in September
12 年Interesting take, thanks John. Buffet is surely right that no one turns down an investment idea because of tax. From his point of view, tax will be applied equally to all (successful) investments so best to go with the one with the most potential .. But tax is not applied equally elsewhere in the investment decision-making curve, as in where to locate a new office, etc. etc. So I guess the question is where/when is the tipping point for people who will pay the higher taxes? Perhaps not so close... SF property values alone suggest the desire to be there outweighs the comparative cost so far.
Quality Assurance Manager for Site at Nypro, A Jabil Company
12 年You conviced me. Lets let all the Bush era tax cuts expire. According to all of the politics, that is what caused this anyway. It could not have had anything to do with spending. Companies will adjust to increased taxes, that just never works out well for the the middle class.
People Enthusiast and Team Builder Extraordinaire!
12 年Ronald K - tax rates were up to 90% i the 1940s and 1950s? Correlation does not equal causation - very different economies then and now
Great leader for electrical engineering desgin teams
12 年Entrepreneurs make that much? I guess they are not structured correctly. The upper tax rate in the 1940s and 50s was around 90%.