200 Vacancies were added on this week for OFFSHORE Vessels (Worldwide)
Full crew - 9 jobs
Master - 14 jobs
Chief officer - 17 jobs
SDPO - 6 jobs
2nd officer/3rd officer - 14 jobs
DPO - 13 jobs
Chief Engineer - 28 jobs
2nd Engineer /3rd Engineer - 30 jobs
ETO and Electrician - 21 jobs
AB - 15 jobs
Motorman and Oiler - 4 jobs
Welder - 2 jobs
Cadets - 1 job
Medic - 3 jobs
Crane operator - 5 jobs
Foreman - 1 job
Engineer and Operator - 5 jobs
Rigger - 1 job
ROV - 2 jobs
Supervisor and Surveyor - 9 jobs
https://oceancrew.org/vacancies/offshore/?ID=118971 ?- APPLY via this link. Choose the position you need and send your CV to employer's e-mail.
This picture doesn’t relevant to this job offer
shipping cook - herrenparner
2 年?nteresting for chef Cook
2 年I’m medic. ?interested?
(AB). Havila shipping. (AB). Farstad shipping .(AB). pacific radiance (AB). M E O .AB kimheng offshore.(AB).FELUCCA MARITIME SERVISE
2 年I'm interested as AB. CRANE OPRATOR
2 年Interi
Engineer COC class III - Operational Level & Engineer COC class IV - Management Level
2 年Interested