200 Places to Be Exceptional
San Angelo, Texas is one of a dozen Texas communities included in the 2018 Forbes Best Small Places for Business and Careers. We are listed at 93 of 200.
San Angelo is a right-sized community for business. We are large enough to provide the amenities Americans seek for a great lifestyle, but without the congestion, high cost of living and overbearing regulation you may find in some metro areas.
The San Angelo Chamber of Commerce is pushing the envelope to maintain and improve our business climate with programs such as SARMA - the San Angelo Regional Manufacturers Alliance. This relatively new group promotes a unified voice for the manufacturing and energy sectors of our economy.
We also link these primary industries with our partners at the Concho Valley Workforce Center, the City, County, Angelo State University, Goodfellow Air Force Base, Howard College and others. The City of San Angelo and Angelo State University have teamed up to provide the Business Resource Center (BRC).
The BRC houses the City of San Angelo Development Corporation (COSA-DC) and ASU's Small Business Development Center (SBDC). This accessibility and collaboration creates an open door for start-ups and existing small businesses seeking information, training and consulting. Many of these services are free.
Congratulations to Bryan/College Station, Tyler, Amarillo, Midland, Abilene, Sherman, Victoria, Longview, Wichita Falls, Odessa and Texarkana for also making the list.