200 Million Dollars Lost at Sea
It is now CONFIRMED that 1816 shipping containers have been lost overboard from the One Apus disaster, following the ship encountering harsh weather. This is the largest loss of good this decade. Insurance claims are expected to exceed 200 Million!
Time will tell, or not tell if this is due to overloading, poor fastening or some other factor related to greed or negligence. What we do know is that this is probably the last thing the global supply chain needed amid the already significant disruptions caused by the global pandemic.
My sympathies go out to you, if like me, a customer or two has been inconvenienced by what will result in an additional delay.
Fortunately, unlike other situations of this magnitude, there are no reported casualties or loss of life. Like everything else this year, we will find a way to work around the issue that arise. I will update as more information comes to light.