The 200 are cracked - and exceeded!
IFES - Sharing Knowledge
IFES - International Federation of Exhibition & Event Services
We are pleased to announce that we have more than 200 registered participants for the IFES World Summit in Athens - and we are more than excited to present the colorful mix of fascinating, inspiring and successful speakers and workshop leaders in the coming weeks! We have already introduced a few of them.
If you haven't registered yet, you can do it here!
For further information please visit the website or contact Dany Kupczik, Projectmanager IFES at Dany[at]
#IFES #IFESWS #IFESWORLDSUMMIT #IFESWS19 #IFES_WorldSummit #IFESproud #IFESfamily #IFESnetwork #IFEScommunity #IFES_sharingknowledge #seeyouinathens #meetyyouinathens #proudtobeIFES