20 Years of Celebrating Giving: Thank You, Blood Donors!
Total Health Trust Ltd., A Tangerine Company
Working with you to make Nigeria Healthier!
Every year, millions of people worldwide require blood transfusions, and blood donations play a pivotal role in saving these lives. Each unit of donated blood can be separated into various components, including red blood cells, plasma, and platelets, and a single blood donation can potentially save up to three lives.
Blood and blood products are essential for the effective management of medical conditions including women suffering from bleeding associated with pregnancy and childbirth; children suffering from severe anaemia due to malaria and malnutrition, patients with blood and bone marrow disorders, immune deficiency conditions, emergencies, disasters, and accidents, as well as patients undergoing advanced medical and surgical procedures.
Transfusion of blood and blood products can help millions of patients suffering from life-threatening conditions live longer and better quality of life. Unfortunately, in many countries including Nigeria, demand exceeds supply, and healthcare providers face the challenge of making sufficient blood available whilst also ensuring its quality and safety.
Voluntary blood donation is the foundation of a safe and sufficient blood supply and can be done once every 3-4 months. It is an incredibly safe, quick, and easy process with profound impact that only takes about 10-15 minutes. Every time someone donates, they are giving a piece of themselves to help others in need during their most vulnerable moments, and it can be the difference between life and death. However, in Nigeria, only about 10% of eligible individuals regularly donate blood voluntarily.
Donors must be generally healthy, weigh at least 45kg, and be between 18 and 65 years old. On average, about 470ml of blood is usually donated, and the body immediately begins to replenish the lost blood, with new cells produced within 48 hours of donation. In addition to the life-saving impact it has on recipients, regular blood donation removes excess iron from the donor’s blood and can reduce the risk of certain health conditions like heart diseases.
So, to all the blood donors out there, past, present, and future: your courage, selflessness, compassion, and unwavering commitment to saving lives are truly commendable, Thank you! Your donation matters, and every drop counts. As we celebrate World Blood Donor Day, let’s affirm our commitment to make a difference by giving the gift of life freely, one donation at a time