#20 What is Company Culture today?
This week’s newsletter is about culture. Why? Because everything boils down to that: Can you keep and get employees, can employees perform at their best, can you get the customers you want, can you manage to grow, and on and on it goes.?
Culture has changed so dramatically within the past two years that I want to dedicate this week’s newsletter to it (& as brought as the topic is, give some guidance on “what is the culture of the future” and how we can maintain and thrive in it within a dispersed environment). Starting off with the basics – what is this thing that gets drizzled down from the very top?
What – the definition of Company Culture
When we think of a culture of a company then words will fall such as “ping-pong tables”, “free lunch”, “open-plan office”, “barista”, etc.?
But why is that? Because those offers evoke certain behaviors and that is culture!
Culture are the attitudes and behaviors of a company and its employees – Balance Careers
In the end, it boils down to:
Interactions + Values + Decisions = Culture
A culture answers such questions as:
These answers guide the communication employees have, more importantly how they communicate – as back in the day your culture might have been to do some brainstorming whilst playing a round of ping pong. Besides that culture also very much can be experienced by looking at how people treat each other – are there recognitions? If so, what kind and how regularly? are we celebrating wins? how so? do we help each other? in what format?
Every company does each of these things, but as in most things, it’s not what you do, it’s how you do it. – Great Place to work
Why – the need for Company Culture
For Executives is there a need for company culture?
Yes, because:
For Employees, is there a need for company culture?
For stakeholders, is there a need for company culture?
How – pre-pandemic looks of Company Culture
Company culture back in the day was very physical, where are which people.
The office
The people
How – today’s Company Culture
Now that the office is not the sole place to feel and experience the culture or maybe it does not exist anymore at all, the question arises: How can workplace culture be maintained, instead of physical objects and spaces??
Expectations around culture have been altered — employees expect to be engaged, challenged, and feel a sense of belonging at work. – Anonymous
We are going from where are we to how are we??
A crucial statement as I believe because the pandemic was a time for everyone to iterate, reflect and most specifically evaluate what brings value. This had the effect that a feeling has surfaced, which now is a requirement for many within the workplace: each individual wants to feel valued!
It is not anymore about how much free food can I get at the workplace or how cool is the address of my office, the focus has changed from those external satisfactions to the internal ones.
& this dear readers is the solution to the company cultures of today and tomorrow: Internal satisfaction. We are entering a time where it is not a bonus anymore to be people-first, it is a must. Hence, we need to cater to the feelings and wishes of everything the employee has to offer, work and life aspects combined. When that is achieved, employees will be engaged, perform, promote and attract the talent that suits your culture.
What is it exactly?
Great Place to Work confirms this, according to their studies tomorrow's workplace culture will be based on these three components:
1) A fairer Workplace by increasing transparency and inclusion:
2) Increased Focus on Developing All Employees
The truly great workplaces will be those that temper their investment with integrated support for the whole employee –
3) A Deeper Sense of Purpose For All Employees
Summing it up, the future company culture can be made tangible in a way that the connection nodes can be traced but else very intangible to what we’ve been used to for decades: It is based on overcommunicating with each other, being very intentional about how we can help the employee flourish and enabling connections that go beyond the connection to the actual work.
Extra: How to support the right formation of the future company culture?
Once you collected and evaluated all those opinions, find a direction that people want to go in, let it run, and reevaluate everything again in a few months – Is everything still the same? Great, if not, time for an iteration. This process takes time but it will be an exciting journey.
That's it from my side this week. If you felt this article was insightful, don't hesitate to reshare it.
See you next week!