20 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website

20 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Website

Ask a marketer or an entrepreneur what they’d like most in the world, and they’ll probably tell you “more customers.” What often comes after customers on a business’ wish list? More traffic to their site.

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There are many ways you can increase traffic on your website, and in today’s post, we’re going to look at a few of them.


This one is so apparent, we’re going to look at it first. Paid search, social media advertising and display advertising are all excellent ways of attracting visitors, building your brand and getting your site in front of your targeted audience.

Adjust your paid strategies to suit your goals. Do you just want more traffic, or are you looking to increase conversions, too? Each paid channel has its pros and cons, so think carefully about your objectives before you reach for your credit card.

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If you’re hoping that more traffic to your site will also result in more sales, you’ll need to target high commercial intent keywords as part of your paid search strategies. Yes, competition for these search terms can be fierce (and expensive), but the payoffs can be worth it.

 Get Social

It’s not enough to produce great content and hope that people find it – you have to be proactive. One of the best ways to increase traffic to your website is to use social media channels to promote your content.

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Twitter is ideal for short, snappy (and tempting) links, whereas Google+ promotion can help your site show up in personalized search results and seems especially effective in B2B niches.

If you’re a B2C product company, you might find great traction with image-heavy social sites like Pinterest and Instagram.

 Mix It Up

There is no magic formula for content marketing success, despite what you think. For this reason, vary the length and format of your content to make it as appealing as possible to different kinds of readers.

Combine shorter, news-based blog posts with long-form content as well as video, infographics and data-driven pieces for maximum impact.

Write Irresistible Headlines

Headlines are one of the most vital parts of your content. Without a compelling headline, even the most comprehensive blog post will go unread.

Master the art of headline writing. For example, the writers at BuzzFeed and Upworthy often write upward of twenty different headlines before finally settling on the one that will drive the most traffic, so think carefully about your headline before you hit “publish.”

Pay Attention to On-Page SEO

Think SEO is dead? Think again. Optimizing your content for search engines is still a helpful and worthwhile practice. Are you making the most of image alt text? Are you creating internal links to new content? What about Meta descriptions? Optimizing for on-page SEO doesn’t have to take ages, and it could help boost your organic traffic.

Target Long-Tail Keywords

Got your high commercial intent keyword bases covered? Then it’s time to target long-tail keywords, too.

Long-tail keywords account for a majority of web searches, meaning that if you’re not targeting them as part of your paid search or SEO efforts, you’re missing out.

Start Guest Blogging

Before you say it – NO, TRUE guest blogging isn’t dead, despite what you may have heard. Securing a guest post on a reputable site can increase traffic to your website and help build your brand into the bargain.

Be warned, though standards for guest blogging have changed radically during the past one year, and spammy tactics could result in stiff penalties. Proceed with caution.

Invite Others to Guest Blog on Your Site

Guest blogging is a two-way thing. In addition to posting content to other blogs,  invite people in your niche to blog on your own site

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They’re likely to share and link to their guest article, which could bring new readers to your site. Just be sure that you only post high-quality, original content without spammy links, because Google is cracking way down on low-quality guest blogging.

Post Content to LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become much more than a means of finding another job. The world’s largest professional social network is now a valuable publishing platform in its own right, which means you should be posting content to LinkedIn on a regular basis.

Doing so can boost traffic to your site, as well as increase your profile within your industry especially if you have a moderate to large following.

Link Internally

The strength of your link profile isn’t solely determined by how many websites link back to you  it can also be affected by your internal linking structure.

When creating and publishing content, be sure to keep an eye out for opportunities for internal links. This not only helps with SEO, but also results in a better, more useful experience for the user,which is the cornerstone of increasing traffic to your website.

 Interview Industry Thought Leader

Do you think interviews are only for the big leaguers? You’d be amazed how many people will be willing to talk to you if you just ask them. Send out emails requesting an interview to thought leaders in your industry, and publish the interviews on your blog.

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Not only will the name recognition boost your credibility and increase traffic to your website, the interviewee will probably share the content too, further expanding its reach.

Don’t Neglect Email Marketing

So many businesses are focused on attracting new clients through content marketing that they forget about more traditional methods.

Email marketing can be a powerful tool, and even a moderately successful email blast can result in a significant uptick in traffic. Just be careful not to bombard people with relentless emails about every single update in your business.

Also, don’t overlook the power of word of mouth marketing, especially from people who are already enjoying your products or services. A friendly email reminder about a new service or product can help you boost your traffic, too.

Make Sure Your Site is Responsive

Gone are those days when internet browsing was done exclusively on desktop PCs. Today, more people than ever before are using mobile devices to access the web, and if you force your visitors to pinch and scroll their way around your site, you’re basically telling them to go elsewhere. 

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Ensure that your website is accessible and comfortably viewable across a range of devices, including smaller smartphones.

Make Sure Your Site is Fast

Ever found yourself waiting thirty seconds for a webpage to load? Me neither. If your site takes forever to load, your bounce rate will be sky high. 

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Make sure that your pages are as technically optimized as possible, including image file sizes, page structure and the functionality of third-party plugins. The faster your site loads the better.

Foster a Sense of Community

People want to speak their minds and weigh in on subjects they feel passionately about, so building a community into your site is a great way to start a conversation and increase traffic to your website.

Implement a robust commenting system through third-party solutions such as Facebook comments or Disqus, or create a dedicated forum where visitors can ask questions. Don’t forget to manage your community to ensure that minimum standards of decorum are met, however.

 Make Yourself Heard in Comment Sections

You probably visit at least a few sites that are relevant to your business on a regular basis, so why not join the conversation?

Commenting doesn't necessarily provide an immediate boost to referral traffic right away, but making a name for yourself by providing insightful, thought-provoking comments on industry blogs and sites is a great way to get your name out there which can subsequently result in driving more traffic to your own site.

Just remember that, as with guest posting, quality and relevance are key you should be engaging with other people in your niche, not dropping spam links on unrelated websites.

Host Webinars

People love to learn, and webinars are an excellent way to impart your wisdom to your eagerly waiting audience.

Combined with an effective social promotion campaign, webinars are a great way to increase traffic to your website. Send out an email a week or so ahead of time, as well as

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Send out an email a week or so ahead of time, as well as a “last chance to register” reminder the day before the webinar. Make sure to archive the presentation for later viewing, and promote your webinars widely through social media. If you're wondering how to do

Make sure to archive the presentation for later viewing, and promote your webinars widely through social media. If you're wondering how to do webinar, Google is your friend, He's always there to assist you when needed.

Attend Conferences

Whatever industry you’re in, chances are there are at least one or two major conventions and conferences that are relevant to your business. Attending these events is a good idea speaking at them is even better.

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Even a halfway decent speaking engagement is an excellent way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and gain significant exposure for your site.

 Get Active on Social Media

It’s not enough to just share content through social channels you need to actively participate in the community, too.

Got a Twitter account? Then join in group discussions with relevant hashtags. Is your audience leaving comments on your Facebook posts? Answer questions and engage with your readers.

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Nothing turns people off quicker than using social media as a broadcast channel use social media as it was intended and actually interact with your fans.

Submit Your Content to Aggregator Sites

Firstly, a disclaimer don’t spam Reddit and other similar sites hoping to “hit the jackpot” of referral traffic, because it’s not going to happen.

Members of communities like Reddit are extraordinarily savvy to spam disguised as legitimate links, but every now and again, it doesn’t hurt to submit links that these audiences will find genuinely useful. Choose a relevant subreddit, submit your content, then watch the traffic pour in.

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