20 unusual interview Q&A you might encounter for a Business Intelligence (BI) role

20 unusual interview Q&A you might encounter for a Business Intelligence (BI) role

While most interview questions focus on assessing the candidate's skills, experience, and fit for the role, some recruiters may incorporate unconventional or unexpected questions to gauge the candidate's problem-solving abilities, creativity, and cultural fit.

These unusual questions can serve several purposes, including assessing critical thinking, evaluating cultural fit, testing adaptability, promoting engagement, etc.

As a candidate, if you encounter unusual questions during a BI specialist interview, approach them thoughtfully and use them as an opportunity to showcase your problem-solving skills, creativity, and ability to adapt to different situations. Focus on articulating your thought process and rationale behind your responses, even if the questions seem unconventional.

Let's take a look at the questions and their corresponding answers.

  1. If you were a superhero, which one would you be and why? Best Answer: "I would be Iron Man because he's not only intelligent and analytical but also innovative and strategic, which are key qualities for a BI professional. Like Iron Man, I enjoy solving complex problems and leveraging technology to make a difference."
  2. How many golf balls can fit in a school bus? Best Answer: Start by estimating the dimensions of a school bus and a golf ball. Then, calculate the volume of the bus and the volume of a golf ball, and divide to find an estimate. The interviewer is more interested in your problem-solving approach than the exact answer.
  3. If you could only choose one metric to measure the success of a company, what would it be? Best Answer: "I would choose customer lifetime value (CLV) because it encompasses various aspects of business performance, including customer satisfaction, retention, and profitability. A high CLV indicates that the company is effectively acquiring and retaining valuable customers."
  4. How would you explain blockchain technology to a child? Best Answer: Use simple analogies, such as comparing a blockchain to a digital ledger or a chain of blocks where each block contains data. Emphasize the concept of immutability and decentralized control without diving too deep into technical jargon.
  5. If you could eliminate one state from the United States, which one would it be and why? Best Answer: Approach this question diplomatically, focusing on factors such as population size, economic contribution, and geographical significance. Avoid controversial or political responses.
  6. How many piano tuners are there in New York City? Best Answer: Similar to the golf ball question, approach this problem by estimating the population of New York City, the number of pianos, and the frequency of tuning. Then, make reasonable assumptions to arrive at an estimate.
  7. If you were a utensil in the kitchen, which one would you be and why? Best Answer: "I would be a chef's knife because I'm versatile, precise, and essential for cutting through complexity to deliver valuable insights, much like a BI professional does with data."
  8. What's the most creative way you can think of to use a brick? Best Answer: Demonstrate your creativity and problem-solving skills by proposing unconventional uses for a brick, such as a bookend, a makeshift weight for exercising, or a doorstop.
  9. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why? Best Answer: Choose a historical figure known for their intelligence, leadership, or innovation, and explain how you would benefit from their wisdom and perspective over dinner.
  10. How many windows are there in London? Best Answer: Similar to the other estimation questions, break down the problem by estimating the population of London, the average number of windows per building, and the types of buildings in the city.
  11. If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring three items, what would they be? Best Answer: Select items that demonstrate practicality, resourcefulness, and resilience. For example, a knife for survival tasks, a solar-powered radio for communication, and a water filtration system for clean water.
  12. If you were a brand, which one would you be and why? Best Answer: Choose a brand that aligns with your personal values, personality traits, and professional strengths. Explain how you embody the brand's characteristics and values in your work.
  13. What's your favorite conspiracy theory, and do you believe it? Best Answer: Approach this question cautiously and diplomatically. You can mention a conspiracy theory in a lighthearted manner, but emphasize critical thinking and skepticism. Avoid endorsing or promoting unfounded beliefs.
  14. If you could choose any animal to be your spirit animal, which one would it be and why? Best Answer: Select an animal that reflects qualities you admire, such as intelligence, adaptability, or resilience. Explain how these qualities resonate with you personally and professionally.
  15. What would you do if you found a penguin in the freezer? Best Answer: This question tests your ability to think on your feet and problem-solve in unexpected situations. You might joke about checking the thermostat or contacting animal control, but emphasize the importance of handling unexpected events calmly and responsibly.
  16. If you could redesign the periodic table, how would you arrange the elements? Best Answer: Demonstrate your creativity and critical thinking skills by proposing alternative arrangements based on different criteria such as atomic number, atomic mass, or chemical properties. Explain the rationale behind your redesign.
  17. If you were a song, which one would you be and why? Best Answer: Choose a song that reflects your personality, values, or life experiences. Explain how the lyrics, melody, or message of the song resonate with you on a personal or professional level.
  18. What's the most interesting thing you've read or watched recently? Best Answer: Share a recent article, book, documentary, or podcast that inspired or intrigued you. Explain why it caught your attention and how it relates to your interests or professional development.
  19. If you could time-travel to any period in history, when and where would you go? Best Answer: Select a historical period that fascinates you and explain why you're drawn to it. Consider the cultural, technological, or social developments of that time and how they might offer valuable insights or experiences.
  20. If you were a vegetable, which one would you be, and why? Best Answer: Choose a vegetable that symbolizes qualities or characteristics you possess, such as resilience, adaptability, or versatility. Explain how these qualities are reflected in your personal and professional life.

Keep in mind that there may not be a "correct" answer, but employers are interested in your thought process, communication skills, and how well you handle unexpected situations.


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