20 Traits of the Great-Trait 3 Gain Wisdom
Michael Smith
Facilitator HR Mobility Peer Group, VP Sales & Service AHI Corporate Housing, Entrepreneur in Residence The Shelby County Chamber of Commerce
Achieving Greatness can be Simple---It just isn't Easy
Words people use to describe people with this trait
· GAIN WISDOM- Learn from their mistakes, aware of their strengths and weaknesses, practice to perfect their skills, realize when they need to change, admit what they don’t know, know when to act, observant, clever, astute, have business acumen, intelligent, understanding, insightful, have good judgment, perceptive, give good advice
· We have heard “Knowledge is Power”-WRONG. It is not what you know it is what you do with what you know that is Powerful. What are the key differences between Knowledge and Wisdom? Knowledge is what you know. Wisdom is knowing how to use what you know. The GREAT understand that there are two key sources to Gain Wisdom. First, go find those mentors that have been where you are—then learn from them how they got where you want to be. No matter if you’re in sales, management, human resources, or an entrepreneur there’s no problem or opportunity you will face that others haven’t overcome before you. If you need help finding or contacting someone, let me know and I’ll be happy to help. One of the traits of the GREAT is generosity (we’ll cover that later)—there are people out there that will help you.
The second source is your own trial and error. There is always a risk in acting but in many cases not acting might have greater risk. If you don’t make mistakes then you aren’t taking chances. The GREAT know how to learn from every experience—and how they use the wisdom gained to move closer to their goals on the next attempt. Remember it isn’t what you know that moves you along the course. It’s what you do with what you know. Make the gaining of wisdom a habit by setting aside time each week to think about the new things you’ve tried and the results you achieved.