20 Things You Should Know About Digital Marketing
Eva is a Digital Marketing Strategist at a Silicon Valley-based startup that has developed a new technology for the cannabis industry. She’s done marketing for over 5 years, and she's pretty active with all the major social media platforms.
We live in an era where there are more options than ever before to market your products. Between blogs, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and all other kinds of social media outlets... it's hard to keep track of them all! To make things easier - I've compiled this list of some really important things you should know about digital marketing (although there will always be some nuances based on your business).
Here are 20 tips regarding digital marketing:
1. Creating content is important. But distributing it is even more important. You should use multiple angles to distribute your content: social media, SEO, guest blogging, and email.
2. Make sure your emails are in line with your brand image and the image you want to portray to customers. The goal of the email is to get them to take action (e.g buy a product or sign up for a newsletter).
3. The main idea behind social media is interaction, so be sure to respond as quickly as possible when someone comments on your page or shares one of your posts, etc...
4. The first step to successful SEO is creating a site map (a file that describes the links between all of your web pages) and adding it to the header of each page. Then, you should create your keywords, which are also added to the header files. To make it easier, Google offers a free tool that will help you choose good keywords...
5. Make sure to have a blog on your website where you share useful information with your customers in a conversational manner. This is called "inbound marketing", which means using content as an advertising method.
6. You should also make sure that your website is optimized for mobile. Since more and more people are using smartphones to search for a business, you will want your site to show up high on the results page.
7. A common mistake with marketing is thinking that different age groups act differently. But the truth is that common consumer behavior patterns do apply across all age ranges...
8. Don't focus on SEO after you've created the content for your blog or website. Search engine optimization works best when it's built into your overall content strategy...
9. If a customer has purchased from you in the past, they’re probably going to buy from you again in the future (if they like what they got before). But people who haven't bought from you in the past are more likely to look for a new source.
10. When it comes to social media, it's important to know what the different metrics mean. The most common ones include the percentage of friends on your page, how many followers you have, the reach of your content, etc...
11. SEO is a long-term effort and takes time to be effective. If you use social media effectively, it can boost your SEO results quickly and help increase traffic to your website without having to invest a lot of time or money in an SEO campaign...
12. Inbound marketing (content marketing) is an effective way to market your business.
13. a developer needs to stay up to date with what competitors are doing on social media. Since every platform has its share of followers and followers of followers, you must pay attention so you can stay abreast with trends and make changes that will help your business grow.
14. When it comes to email marketing, you should use a combination of automated emails which are triggered by certain events, like a sale or promotion, as well as promotional emails which may only be sent out when the customer signs up for something new or whenever the account balance is low...
15. When writing an email, you should break the body of the email into multiple paragraphs to make it easier for readers to read.
16. In a social media context, "lead" means a customer is interacting with your brand such as liking, sharing, or commenting on your content.
The main goal of social media is to get leads...
17. Targeting customers using Facebook ads (the ones that show up near the top of pages) is much more difficult than other types of Facebook advertising. This is because they’re paid ads and not everyone sees them…
18. The better you can answer questions on social media, the more engagement you will get.
19. If your blog or website is slow, it could be because it's not optimized for mobile devices or because there are too many ads being served in a small webspace.
20. Websites should be ranked organically to ensure all of the content is taken into account fairly. This means that when users search for your business, they shouldn't be interrupted by something irrelevant and wrong...
(I hope you found this post to be informative)