20 Takeaways: Purple Cow
While a big part of this book was a bit of a disappointment (and you could probably skip the first 100 pages as they're a bit 2002-ish), the premise of Purple Cow is that in order to stand out in today's world you must create something remarkable that the right people seek out. This book is about the why, the what, and the how of remarkable.
- "Tastes like chicken" is not a compliment.
- "Everything that can be invented has been invented..."- Charles H. Duell, 1899, US Commissioner of Patents
- As consumers, we're desperate to find good stuff that solves our problems. Create remarkable products/services that the right people seek out.
- Even with all the congestion, services that are worth talking about get talked about.
- If you could choose your perfect customer, who would that be? Once you narrow that down, figure out their need and fill it.
- Nobody gets unanimous praise--ever. Criticism comes to those who stand out. Don't strive to be not criticized.
- "In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible."
- "We've been raised with a false belief: We mistakenly believe that criticism leads to failure. From the time we get to school, we're taught that being noticed is almost always bad. It gets us sent to the principal's office, not to Harvard."
- Being "safe" is risky. Don't be afraid to do different.
- Become obsessed with remarkable.
- The opposite of remarkable is "very good".
- "Go for the edges"
- "In almost every market, the boring slot is already filled."
- Regarding the unremarkable- "The seeds of their destruction lie in their dependence on being in the middle."
- "Assume that what was remarkable last time won't be remarkable this time."
- If you weren't afraid of failing, what's the most audacious thing you'd try?
- Cheap is the lazy way out for the battle of remarkable.
- People pay extra for certainty- money, time, missed opportunities.
- Remarkable requires investment- time, money, brainpower.
- Ask "why not".
Til next time, keep an open mind, and keep exploring.