20 Social Activity Ideas
Mixing socially is crucially important for teams around the world. Not only is it proven to increase empathy, improve communication and elevate collaboration, it also provides a perfect circuit breaker to the often endless maelstrom of work.
And yet, it’s often activity that’s overlooked by many organisations. For some it’s simply not seen as important, for others it’s a waste of taxpayer/shareholder money (or else budget isn’t made available), yet in my experience for most, it’s simply not something that enough thought is given to, except at Christmas when ‘we really should do something…’. Yes, you should!
In the first year of the pandemic social activity increased dramatically as teams tried different things to help each other through the mental health challenges wrought by lockdowns and illness. By 2021 however, 57% of people said that they’d engaged in less social activities than they had the year before. In my experience, the reason for this is that organisations just became, well, lazy in their approach to bringing people together.
First Friday drinks is my personal bugbear because a) organisations make it about alcohol not human connection; b) it’s often done at 5pm, when the last thing people want to do is to spend any more time with people at work; and c) it’s a largely extroverted activity that people are expected to contribute conversation to.
There are hundreds of other things that you can do to mix socially with your colleagues both in-person (now that we’re able to do so in most parts of the world) and virtually, to ensure that emotional capital between humans is maintained and that people make the time for laughter and relaxation with each other.
The time of day where you should mix socially will really depend on the work that you do and, for some, after hours will be the only available opportunity. However, if you’re office-based then social activity should be done during the day, not at the end of it. It should be prioritised by managers and never compromised when things get ‘busy’. In fact, in times of high stress, it’s more important than ever to take time out.
It’s important as well to ensure that all members of the team are included in the conversation about what activities should be considered and not just left to a self-appointed social club to decide and then mandate that people have to go! Also, team members must make every endeavour to attend these events. It’s part of what being a good teammate is all about.
Of course there are some who will simply resist social activity at all costs, citing their personal preference for not mixing with work colleagues. Holding it during the working day is one way to counteract this, however, if they simply don’t want to do it, then forcing them won’t increase their emotional connection or maturity. If they are good, kind human beings and do an exceptional job, then it’s not a battle worth fighting. If they’re not, then that’s another issue.
The late Tony Hsieh, founder of online shoe retailer Zappos did feel it was a crucial part of being in a team, saying about all employees, ‘We believe in work/life integration, not separation. We choose to hang out and have fun with each other.’
OK, so here are 20 ideas that you can consider and I would love to hear what you and your team do that may not have made it onto this list:
In Person
If there’s nothing here that takes your fancy, then a quick search on the internet for team building ideas will reveal hundreds more, so look for options everywhere! Whatever you do, just do something, then keep doing different things to keep your social activities fresh. If you do the same thing repeatedly then the idea will become stale and your culture may follow suit.
Colin, every time you post it gets me thinking. Thanks! When I was listening to audio blog of this post the thing that hit me hardest is why to organizations think that doing these types of activities AFTER work when the entire time burden is "paid" by the associates is suppose to some how ingratiate the enterprise leaders with the team?!? It reminds of a useless boss I had once who thought he was so clever scheduling our weekly staff meeting at 430PM on Fridays. It created a lot of malicious obedience... and got him canned after about 6 months! John