20 Questions with Lawrence Kenwright from Signature Living
Alma De Cuba
Liverpool's world famous bar, restaurant and nightclub - an experience like no other
Signature Living was founded over a decade ago and it’s been quite a journey since then. As one of the fastest growing businesses in Liverpool, I wanted to share a little bit more about me and where I see us heading in the future.
So last week, I sat down with the media team at Signature Living to answer a quick-fire 20 questions, featuring everything from my favourite book and guilty pleasure to the all-important one, what makes me proud to be a Scouser.
What was your dream job as a child?
I wanted to be a policeman.
The best book you’ve ever read?
My Life and Work – Henry Ford.
What are the causes you care most about?
What would be your number one Desert Island Disc?
Pink Floyd – The Wall.
Your favourite place to go on holiday?
If you could have a super power for the day what would it be?
I’d be invisible.
Who is your favourite Scouser?
Well I’d have to say Katie Kenwright … or John Bishop.
What’s been your biggest failure and what did you learn from it?
Going bankrupt, I learnt to never trust a builder!
Who’s inspired you in your life and career?
Richard Branson.
How do you switch off from work?
I don’t speak about it after 8pm.
How would you describe Signature Living in 3 words?
Crazy, dynamic and Scouse.
Favourite Signature Party Room at the moment?
Morgan’s Vault.
If you could buy any building in the world, what would it be and why?
That’s a tough one. But, I’d have to say the Adelphi because it’s sad to see such an iconic building fall into the state it’s in today.
How do you keep a positive mind set?
I focus on my family.
Who are three famous people, dead or alive, that you would invite to an imaginary dinner party and why?
John D Rockefeller, Henry Ford and Sam Walton. Because they’re amazing, aren’t they? Amazing businessmen.
What’s your favourite building in Liverpool?
I’d have to say Martin’s Bank.
You’re a world leader for the day, what do you change?
I’d eradicate poverty.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Pork scratchings. They are really disgusting aren’t they!
What makes you proud to be a Scouser?
The camaraderie between the people, it’s us against the world.
Where do you see Signature Living heading in the next 10 years?
World domination … no, only kidding! I think Signature Living will give a different kind of option to the vanilla hotels that are out there. There’s a huge scope for group accommodation, so there should be one in every city.
To find out more about my future projects, follow this link and keep up to date with everything new happening at Signature Living.