20 Psychological Hacks
I cannot claim credit for the following list. That goes to an individual named Akshay Vaishnav who listed these on a question-and-answer forum. I found them intriguing enough because they all relate to personal improvement and with some imagination, to business success (yes, even #2 and #16 if used appropriately). I hope you enjoy them.
1. When you first meet people, try to notice their eye color while also smiling at them. It might be because you look for a second or two longer, but all I can tell you is that people definitely will respond to it.
2. People are extraordinarily aware of their sense of touch. If someone (let's say, a member of the opposite sex) 'accidentally' rests their knee (or any part of the body) on yours, that person knows it's there.
3. If you make the biggest smile you can, you will automatically feel happier.
4. The moment your alarm wakes you up, immediately react by sitting up, pumping your fists, and shouting 'yeah!'
5. Pay attention to people's feet. If you approach two people in a middle of a conversation, and they only turn their torsos and not their feet, they don't want you to join the conversation. Similarly, if you are in a conversation with someone who you think is paying attention to you, and his torso is turned towards you, but the feet are facing in another direction, he wants the conversation to end.
6. Foot-in-the-door phenomenon. People are more likely to agree to do a task for you if you ask them to do something simpler first.
7. If you ask someone to do you a small favor,?cognitive dissonance?will unconsciously make them believe that, because they did that favor, they must like you.
8. If you ask someone a question and receive only a partial answer, just wait. If you stay silent and keep eye contact, he will usually continue talking.
9. Chew gum when you're approaching a situation that makes you nervous, like public speaking. Apparently, if you are eating something, your brain trips and it reasons "I'd not be eating if I were in danger, so I'm not in danger."
10. Avoid the sidewalk shuffle by looking intently over the oncoming person's shoulder, or between people's heads if it's a group. Your gaze shows them where you are going. They will drift toward the opposite or create a gap to avoid you.
11. When you are studying/learning something new, teach a friend how/about it. Let him ask questions. If you can teach something well, you understand it.
12. People will remember you not by what you said but by how you made them feel.
13. If you get yourself to be happy and excited to see other people, they will react the same to you. It doesn't always happen the first time, but it will happen next time.
14. When people are angry at you and you stay calm, it'll get them even angrier and be ashamed about it after.
15.If you have a warm hand when you shake somebody's hand, you immediately become a more desirable person to get along with.
16.?False attribution of arousal?also known as the 'suspension bridge effect': When you take somebody out on a first date, take the person somewhere exciting that will get the heart beating e.g., a roller coaster, a horror film, or a suspension bridge. This raises adrenaline. It brings thoughts of the enjoyment of spending time with you rather than the activity.
17. The key to confidence is walking into a room and assuming everyone already likes you.
18. Refer to people you have just met by their name. People love being referred to by their name, and it will establish a sense of trust and friendship right away.
19. Studies show that when people are presented with a list of options, they are most likely to pick whatever is first. The same is shown to hold true for voting.
20. For interviews, alter your psychological state beforehand. Tell yourself, "I have known these people all my life. We are old friends catching up. I can't wait to see them." Visualize the experience, shaking hands, making eye contact, and having a conversation. What things can you not wait to tell them? Hold an open pose, stand with your legs apart, hands on your hips, and shoulders back when you do this, and SMILE. This may sound cliche, but you are in charge of your psychological state and the power of suggestion is strong.