- Turning down the car radio when looking where you are actually makes sense. Your mind cannot focus on two things at the same time.
- If you announce your goals to others, you’re less likely to succeed. In fact, studies show you lose motivation.
- Chocolate releases the same happiness-increasing neurotransmitters as being in love does.
- You can remember 7 +/- 2 facts at a time. This includes numbers but can be increased if you “chunk” the information.
- The type of music you listen to affects the way you perceive the world.
- Your mind cannot create faces. Meaning everybody you dream of you have met at some point in your life, even if only in passing by.
- You cannot multitask.
- Our actions toward others impact others’ beliefs about ourselves, which causes others’ to act a certain way towards us, reinforcing our beliefs about ourselves, which then influence our actions toward others. This is known as the “Pygmalion Effect” or, more commonly “The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy.”
- You are more creative when you are tired.
- Being with positive, happy people keeps you happier.
- Feeling ignored causes the same chemical effect as that of an injury.
- Sarcasm makes you smarter and more creative.
- Also, people who can identify sarcasm well tend to be able to read other people more easily.
- People who can delay their gratification are more likely to succeed in life.
- Kids are more stressed now than the average psych ward patient in 1950.
- Your brain takes up 2% of your body mass but about 20% of the energy, water and oxygen intake.
- The longer you hide your feelings for someone the harder you fall for that person.
- No one born blind has ever developed schizophrenia.
- Money only increases your happiness up to $75,000 a year. After that it becomes a matter of if you have more than your neighbor.
- People who oversleep tend to crave more sleep.
11 个月Wow