20 Natural Remedies for Treatment for Piles | All you Need to Know About Hemorrhoid

20 Natural Remedies for Treatment for Piles | All you Need to Know About Hemorrhoid

In general, about 4.4% of the population develops piles worldwide. Piles affect people of all ages and genders, but people over 50 have more risk factors. Piles or hemorrhoids are the swellings of blood vessels inside or outside the anal region due to continuous pressure. It is a common and unpleasant condition. Many factors cause piles and show symptoms like bleeding, itching, or pain in the lower rectum. Make stool hard to excrete. But in some cases, it doesn’t show signs and bleed painlessly. In this article, you’ll get to know all about?treatment for piles.

How to Treat Hemorrhoids?

Table of Contents

Well, it is durable and easy to treat. There are a lot of ayurvedic herbs and home remedies to cure piles effectively. So, if you are facing piles, then worry not.

Mostly, the pile’s symptoms are recovered on their own by using unadorned?treatment hemorrhoids. Such as herbs and home remedies. Now, you buy online herbal products as well all across Pakistan. As consistent with research, it’s estimated that approximately less than 10 percent of hemorrhoid cases require surgery.

These herbs and home remedies have proved very helpful for?hemorrhoid treatment?for centuries. They help in improving the pile’s symptoms. It naturally strengthens the blood vessels around the anal. Check out these effective herbal treatments of piles listed in this article.

Classification of Hemorrhoid

Piles are classified into three types, as below:

Internal Hemorrhoids

These are the inflammation of veins inside the rectum and don’t show any symptoms. It is a grape-like stack that occurs outside the anal region. That is why one cannot feel them initially. Internal hemorrhoids are painless but cause bleeding and secretions of mucus during excretion.

External Hemorrhoids

These are the swelling outside the rectum. It is painful as it is covered with pain-sensing nerves. These pain-sensing cells cause bleeding, irritation, making clots, and other skin infections.

Thrombosed Hemorrhoid

A blood clot is formed outside the anus due to the prolapsed internal and external piles. It contains excessive blood that bursts and starts bleeding. It causes distress and causes pain.

Causes of Piles:

Hemorrhoids develop due to the swelling in blood vessels around the anus. An increase in pressure has caused the swelling. Several factors are involved that increases the force, such as:

  • Having prolonged constipation and diarrhea causes a patient to strain during bowel movements.
  • During Pregnancy, an enlarged belly increases the pelvic pressure. Moreover, the rectum muscles weaken due to hormonal changes. These factors contribute to more risk factors for piles.
  • Weight gain due to obesity increases pressure on the lower extremities. However, the stress due to increased weight causes swelling of blood vessels in the rectum.
  • Maybe due to a chronic cough.
  • Lifting heavy objects on a regular base
  • Due to colon cancer

There are more chances to develop piles as you get older because anal tissues become weak with age. So, you are unable to bear increased pressure.

Symptoms of piles:

Piles are of two types

External and internal and symptoms occur according to its type as:

  • Internal hemorrhoids usually show bleeding during passing stool, but it is painless. It could cause irritation and pain when it prolapsed with external hemorrhoids.
  • External hemorrhoid is a condition of inflammation underneath the skin around the rectum. It shows the following symptoms:

Itchy and swelling around the anal section and bleeding during bowel movement Release of mucus after passing stool. This secretion causes inflammation and burning around the rectum—severe pain and distress in the anal area, especially during sitting.

When to see a Hakeem or physician?

After trying the home remedies, you should consult a doctor if the patient doesn’t get relief or the anal bleeding increases. Suppose a patient feels chronic pain and continuous bleeding occurs during defecation in severe abdominal pain, vomiting, persistent constipation, or diarrhea.

Natural plant- herbs remedies used in the treatment for Piles:

  1. Directly apply Witch hazel on the affected anal region. It is an anti-inflammatory herb. Scientifically, it contains some oils that help to reduce bleeding, itching, and inflammation. One can apply it topically with the aid of a cotton ball. It also prevents infection and is effective in hemorrhoid treatment
  2. Horse chestnuts or Spanish chestnuts are proven to be the best way to treat piles. It is composed of natural components like saponin. Anti-inflammatory and lessens the swelling in the anal region. It helps strengthen the veins around the anal against straining due to pressure.
  3. Hesperidina are extracted from citrus fruits. It aids the veins to perform a proper function and reduce inflammation. According to a scientific study, it’s very effective in hemorrhoid treatment.
  4. A herb named peppermint yields a scented oil which is used as a flavoring agent. It would help in relief from pain due to piles.
  5. Aloe Vera gel has anti-inflammatory properties and treats many skin issues. It is instrumental in treating piles. Topical use of pure aloe vera has scientifically proven to be effective against piles. It soothes the irritation and inflammation.
  6. Use cow milk to prepare buttermilk. Let’s prepare a paste by adding ginger, rock salt, and peppercorn. And use this mixture twice a day for hemorrhoid treatment.
  7. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer, also utilized to lessen the pile’s symptoms.
  8. Take fresh radish juice twice a day at the initial stage; that also helps relieve. Another way is mixing radish juice with honey and applies it to the affected anal area. It’ll help in the recovery of symptoms of piles.
  9. Take four figs and let them soak in water for a night. Eat it with an empty stomach in the early morning. Do this for a month. It will be beneficial in the treatment of piles.
  10. Olive oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which are favorable for?treatment for piles. It reduces swelling and irritation.
  11. Sesame seed oil has been used for centuries due to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity. It absorbs hastily in skin tissues and helps to lessen the inflammation. It also prevents the affected area from infection.
  12. Prepare a mixture by taking a ripe banana with a cup of milk and drinking it thrice a day.
  13. Take 30g of onion and stir in water, add 60g of sugar in it and consume this mixture three times a day.
  14. Juice of Turnip leaves mixed with an equal amount of spinach and carrot juice has proved to be very useful to treat piles.
  15. Wheatgrass juice in lukewarm water is beneficial in piles to clean bowels.

Effective?Pakistani Hakeem medicine?are also available at stores in Pakistan, such as Dwakhana Hakeem Ajmal Khan. It provides herbal medications that are much more efficient in the treatment of piles.

  • Habbe muqil is an Unani medicine that is effective in reducing bleeding and irritation. Take two doses with water twice a day or as per the doctor’s advice.
  • Habbe surkh Bwasir is beneficial in the treatment of piles. It reduces bleeding piles. An adult should consume 2 to 4 tablets, while the dosage is 1 to 2 tablets with a cup of yogurt water for children. Intake this empty tablet stomach before breakfast.
  • Majun Muqil is proved very effective in hemorrhoid treatment. It reduces inflammation and strengthens the intestinal veins. Take 5g of majun muqil with water twice a day.
  • Qurs Bawaseer Ajmal is composed of effective natural herbs. It is beneficial in reducing pain, itching, constipation, and bleeding. Take two tablets with water twice a day or as per physician (Hakeem) advice.
  • Roghan Bwasir khas is a mixture of herbs that helps heal wounds in piles. Apply mixture (20ml) on the affected area and massage gently, especially before sleep. It is very effective in treating piles.

However, one can reduce the strain on the veins of the anus by changing its lifestyle. But in severe cases, I will suggest that patients should consult a physician to diagnose the disease. The returning risk of piles could be reduced By taking these preventive measures, such as

Using a sitz bath helps in relief from itching. Sit at least 20 minutes in a bathtub filled with a few inches of warm water. One can add natural disinfectants such as neem leaves and turmeric powder. Afterward, gently drey the anal area, do not wipe hard.

Intake fiber-rich food helps in hemorrhoid treatment. Eating fruits and vegetables will soften the stool and make it easy to defecate. It helps in reducing the increased pressure due to strain. It also helps in lessening the bleeding and swelling.

Drink a lot of water and other liquid but avoid alcohol or caffeine. Patients may drink eight glasses of water daily. This will soften the stool and make it easy to pass. It will also help in the cure of chronic constipation. Thus aid in hemorrhoid treatment.

Do not sit too long on the toilet as it will increase pressure on the anal region and affect it badly. Instead of using a hard surface, use a cushion for sitting. It will ease the inflamed tissues and relieve discomfort.

Go immediately to defecate when you feel an urge. As the delay in pass bowel movement will dry the stool and make it hard to pass. It also exerts pressure on the rectum.

After defecation, gently cleans the anal region with the hazel pad or smooth cotton cloth. Because it contains lidocaine and phenylephrine components that are safe to use, applying an anesthetic containing cream or aloe vera will help reduce irritation and soothe the pain.

Applying an ice pack by a hemorrhoid patient for 15 minutes will help relieve pain. It effectively supports the patient in the treatment of piles.

In severe cases, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) could be used in the treatment of piles. As acetaminophen, it gives you temporary relief.

Straining during bowel movement exerts pressure on the anal region, especially in case of constipation. As it could cause hemorrhoids more severe, so do not stain when you defecate stool.

Physical activity and moderate exercise will help you prevent constipation and losing weight. Exercise like brisk walking will help to reduce the pressure on the anus. It’ll help in reducing the risk factors for piles.

Avoid spicy foods, tea, alcohol, soft drinks, junk foods, and preserved food. These foods irritate the piles.


Piles are one of the common diseases, and many people are affected by this. It affects millions of people of all ages and genders around the world. According to research,?about 75% of people?experience piles once in their lifetime. Many factors are involved in developing the piles. These factors cause painful bleeding in severe cases.

But in most cases, it doesn’t hurt, as it bleeds painlessly. Piles are seldom dangerous. They are easily treatable and manageable by using these home remedies. This traditional herbal treatment is an alternative therapy and practiced worldly for hemorrhoid treatment. The natural remedies are safe to use and help in alleviating the symptoms of piles. Many Pakistani stores like Hakeem Ajmal Dwakhana provide Pakistani Hakeem medicine for the treatment of piles. Fortunately, they also facilitate?online herbs shopping. So, one can easily avail of these?online herbal products?to treat hemorrhoids.

Fikir ?nsan?

Ara?t?rma, Ar-Ge, Fikir insan?, Sorun ??zücü

9 个月

Merhaba Hemoroid hastal???na ??züm buldum. Do?adan toplad???m bir bitkinin tohumlar? bu hastal??? iyile?tirmektedir Kullanmaya ba?lad?ktan 15 gün sonra hastal?k iyile?ir ve tekrar etmez Kesin ??züm



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