20 More Insurance Marketing Ideas to Market Your Insurance Agency as an Insurance Agent (Part-2)
When it comes to marketing yourself as an insurance agent, it is not what it used to be.
Once upon a time, buyers come agents come to the agents to buy every kind of insurance they want. But times were changed now and how people select & buy their insurance is changed a lot. Most insurance buyers look out for their insurance Online or simply get referrals from close friends or family member who is already getting a great deal from an Agent.
Today, part of being an insurance broker is a virtual, online experience, at least at the beginning before a client ever knows about you. In fact, today's business in general is an online experience.
This is the second part of the Post 20 Insurance Marketing Ideas, The First post covered 20 Ideas to grow your insurance sales and this post is gonna cover another 20 ideas to boost your insurance sales. After this post, you can read that post to explore 20 more ideas to market your insurance business.
So here are 20 effective ideas to Market yourself or your Agency as an Insurance Agent (Both offline & Online methods)-
1. Rank High in Online Maps
People find local businesses using their mobile devices more and more. And if they're already looking on a map you can be sure they're serious about wanting a local company!
There isn't a much better way to get your agency in front of insurance shoppers at the perfect time than exactly when they are looking for an insurance.
2. Get Free PR
HelpAReporter.com?is a free service that connects reporters with experts to interview. When you sign up for an account as an expert you'll receive 3 emails a day filled with opportunities to be the "industry expert" for a reporter who needs to interview someone to write a story. If you want to be interviewed, respond quickly and sell hard on why you'd be the best expert to interview.
3. Post Client Letters
If someone writes a letter, sends an email, or posts a positive comment online about your agency, print it out and post it in a visible location. Shoppers look to others for guidance. Reading many letters from others just like them improves their drastic impression of your business.
4. Handwritten Letters For Best Customers
We spend too much time with customers that pay the least money. Take a look at your commission statements and make sure you are going the extra mile for the people that support you the most.
Write a personalized thank you letters to those special clients, and let them know you if you can do anything for them.
5. Encourage Positive Online Reviews
When policy holders have a positive experience with your insurance agency, encourage them to go online to sites like?Yelp.com?or Google Maps?and write about their experience. We recommend agents to build a page on their website with links to their different review-site in one place to make it easier for clients to review them.
6. Leverage LinkedIn
I don't know too many agents who use LinkedIn well for sales or marketing but it can be a great resource for building your network. Here's a hint for insurance agents: The value of LinkedIn doesn't come from networking with people you already know as much as from connecting with the people you don't know.
7. Offer Free Business Coaching
Looking to make more connections in your local business community? Offer free business coaching for new entrepreneurs. It's a great way to build clout and reputation as a trustworthy business owner in your community. Maybe you can even offer free seminars and information for new business owners about being properly insured.
8. Nice Car Cards
These are business cards with a car compliment written in big letters. When you see a nice car parked, leave one of the cards with your contact information on it. Have them preprinted to say “People with taste like yours value an insurance agency like mine” or better yet, hand write a personal message. People with nice cars like compliments and buy a lot of insurance. Place it on the driver side window right over the door handle with the compliment facing out.
9. Sponsor the Highway
Many highways allow businesses to sponsor cleanup efforts in exchange for a sign on the highway. Offer to do it on a section of the highway right near the exit toward your agency. If there are no nearby openings, propose sponsoring another road in town. Maybe they’ll let you put up a sign to market your insurance agency if you agree to clean up trash along the roadside.
10. Referral Marketing Program
Reward existing policyholders for sending you new clients. Don't be cheap with the referral rewards. Make sure every single customer knows about your insurance referral program and remind them every single interaction.
11. TV or Radio Interviews
When insurance-related news happens locally, contact the media and offer your opinion. News reporters are just folks like us trying to meet deadlines so if they can get a quote without working hard, you can get lucky. Use your twitter account to send them a message.
12. Messaging on Hold
Being on hold sucks. It sucks a lot less when there's something to listen to. Having a service that provides information about other products will give callers something to listen to and expose them to a much wider array of your services. Customers don't know everything you sell unless you constantly remind them.
13. Child Fingerprinting Event
Protecting the community in any capacity is good for insurance marketing. Connect with young local families. And remember there's always value in building connections with members of the local police department.
14. Corporate Lunch Room Quote Event
If you have any clients, friends, or business connections who work at large local businesses offer a special event where you or one of your producers has a quoting desk in their cafeteria to give quotes to employees on their lunch break. Make getting a quote as easy as possible.
15. Leave Pens Everywhere
When you sign a credit card receipt, when you fill out a deposit slip at the bank, when you are addressing a letter at the post office. Consciously leave your pens everywhere.
A pen that's branded to your agency, A Nice pen send a message of quality about your agency. They also last longer so you get more marketing for your money.
16. Annual Policy Reviews
How can you expect policyholders to stay with you if they don't get anything from you? At least try to discuss policies with every customer every year. This helps you solidify the relationship, identify needs for additional products, and ask for referrals. Treating your book well is the best route to insurance agency marketing success.
17. Promote Your Clients
What goes around comes around so encourage clients to leave promotional material in your agency and try to refer them business. Entrepreneurs are often the best clients and they are most likely to refer your service if they value it.
18. Insurance Lead Lists
It can be expensive, but purchasing lists of insurance prospects is a starting point for many of the other insurance marketing strategies here. Narrow down prospects with demographics, location, etc.
19. Customer Appreciation Party
Let your best policyholders know how important you are by inviting them to a nice dinner. Use this time to market new financial products, encourage referrals, and strengthen relationships. Invite your largest premium providers and the people who help most with referral marketing.
20. Customer Surveys
Surveying customers about service quality has marketing benefits. You can identify opportunities for improvement and show clients they're important. Also, when customers give you positive ratings it reinforces the value of your agency in their mind and yours.
21. Write in the Local Papers
Writing content for the local paper can provide more visibility than standard advertising. Most papers right now are struggling for revenue and may allowing your advertorial content. If you can, purchase a visible ad for your agency on the same page of the paper where your article appears.
22. Advertise In Church Bulletins
Church bulletins tend not to be huge insurance lead generators, but use your financial support to speak with the church leadership. Offer to conduct seminars about insurance, defensive driving, fire safety, financial planning etc.
23. Market in Ethnic Publications
Studies show minority populations can be more loyal to businesses that advertise and market within their cultural media. If you speak a foreign language or someone in your agency does, selling insurance to that community can open the door to lots of referred leads.
24. Get Listed in GPS Devices
Wouldn't it be nice if people could pull up your insurance agency when they did a search on their handheld or factory-installed GPS device? Some GPS manufacturers let you go to their website and submit a business profile.
If someone's searching for insurance on their GPS device, I'd say they're pretty committed to visiting your agency!
25. Over deliver
Always deliver more than you promise with everything. In a marketplace where most companies over promise and under deliver try to be the opposite.
For example, we promised 20 marketing ideas, but we are providing 25 instead!