20 Minutes , which are only my......
We face crisis, up & down ,situations on daily basis . We always need a expert advise , A person who knows everything about us & understand Our feelings. Talk to "Yourself" whenever you need an expert advise.
Keep 20 minutes in your appointment list & engage yourself with that on daily basis. No phone calls , No messages , No notification , No friends ,,,,,,No one. Take only precious 20 mins from your life to ask yourself what you want exactly, what gives you pleasure & the voice of your soul. Take away yourself from imaginary world just for 20 Minutes, Take a breath & say yourself "I love to live this life , I have a lots of things to learn.....to grow .....to achieve....to earn. Earning is not particular about money, we can earn things which are beyond money.
We need space to move on , sit silently at a place where you can listen your heartbeat to . If you are at a place where you are not getting silence .....try to make the place at your mind. Ask your self "4 Ws". That stands for-
"What" - What I want actually ?
"Why" - The reason why I want that thing among all other ?
"Where"- Where I will get that ?
"When" - When I will get that?
Now talk about all 4 basic parameters of success. The first "W" -What I want ? Ask yourself what exactly I want ? the things can be more in numbers but root should be always same. The second one "W" describe the reason that "Why do I want that ?". Dream & goal with a reason motivates us always, It can help you to remember why did you start......
Third "W" describe the path and atmosphere where you will get your desire. It define you a way by which you can control your actions . And the Last "W" , When I will get ? You need to close your dream chart near to your mind & the timeline for completing a dream. As we know that success is not a one time achievement ,It change accordingly.
Whenever talk ourselves about us , We get the best answer. 20 Minutes which can teach you a lot of things , Which can help you to overcome from everything.
What do you think ?? please comment & share your thought ......
Ragini Shrivastava