20 Minutes is Just 0.2% of Your Week. What's Your Excuse?
If you’ve recently had time off from sport or fitness and are looking to get back into regular training, fit20 could be just what you're looking for. Problems people face when returning to training are a lack of motivation, old injuries or confidence.
At fit20, these aren’t problems! You work week on week with your own personal trainer who trains you in a private studio, pushing you to reach your goals and to ensure each workout is conducted safely.
If you struggle with confidence and a lack of knowledge about what and how to work out, fit20 is perfect for you. There are no mirrors, no music, no TVs and no distractions in our private air conditioned studio. We want your focus to be solely on the exercise at hand. Your personal trainer will guide you thoroughly through each exercise and each session, every single week.
fit20 is a high intensity resistance training programme. Lifting weights in a slow controlled manner is the perfect way to start building up your strength and fitness.
If you have any questions about how fit20 can help you with you health and fitness goals, get in touch directly
Matt Appleby, fit20 Stocksbridge
call us on 0114 4811 000 | text us on 07520 633 006 | email us at [email protected]