20 Logical Fallacies to avoid while Managing Risk

20 Logical Fallacies to avoid while Managing Risk

1. Ad Hominem

Attacking the person involves criticizing the individual presenting an argument instead of addressing the argument's merits. This tactic diverts attention from the substance of the debate and focuses on personal characteristics, background, or lifestyle choices irrelevant to the argument.

"Ad hominem attacks are the refuge of the out-argued." – Randy Pausch

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this fallacy might occur when a valid risk assessment is dismissed due to the assessor's age, education, or perceived lack of experience rather than the quality of their analysis.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: Ad hominem attacks are a distraction from the actual argument. Let's focus on discussing the merits of the argument itself rather than critiquing the person making it.


  • Imagine a group of friends is debating whether to try a new restaurant. Instead of discussing the restaurant's menu or reviews, one friend dismisses the idea, saying, "I don't trust John's taste in food; he always orders weird dishes." This attack on John's personal food preferences is irrelevant to the discussion about the new restaurant.
  • A board member ignores a valid warning about financial risks in a new investment strategy. They brush it off saying, "The finance manager presenting this is new and has no prior experience in our industry." This ignores the analysis's content, focusing instead on the presenter's background.

2. Straw Man

Misrepresenting someone's argument, known as a straw man fallacy, involves distorting or exaggerating an opposing viewpoint to make it easier to refute. This tactic involves presenting a weakened version of the argument, attacking this version, and claiming victory over the original argument.

“The light obtained by setting straw men on fire is not what we mean by illumination.”― Adam Gopnik

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this can occur when the complexities or nuances of a proposal, like a security protocol, are oversimplified or misrepresented to argue against its adoption.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: It's important to address the actual proposal rather than misrepresenting it. Let's discuss the proposal's specifics and whether it aligns with our goals and needs.


  • Suppose you're discussing the benefits of regular exercise with a friend. You emphasize that it helps improve cardiovascular health, but your friend counters by saying, "So, you want me to spend all my free time at the gym?" They've misrepresented your argument by exaggerating it to make it easier to argue against.
  • A manager argues against a proposed disaster recovery plan by claiming, "This plan suggests we expect a major catastrophe every month," exaggerating the plan's recommendations for regular system backups and checks.

3. Appeal to Ignorance

Arguing something is true because it hasn't been proven false involves claiming the truth of a proposition based on the absence of evidence against it. This logical fallacy assumes that if something cannot be explicitly disproven, then it must be true, overlooking the need for positive evidence in support of the claim.

"Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence." – Carl Sagan

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this fallacy can lead to complacency, like assuming a new technology is secure simply because there have been no reported security breaches yet, without thorough testing or evidence of its security.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: We shouldn't assume something is secure just because it hasn't been breached yet. Let's conduct thorough testing and gather evidence to ensure our systems are truly secure.


  • Imagine someone claims that a particular plant in your garden is a rare species because no one has ever proven otherwise. This disregards the need for botanists to study and classify the plant properly, relying on the absence of evidence rather than a comprehensive examination.
  • A company decides not to invest in additional cybersecurity measures, reasoning, "We haven't been hacked yet, so our system must be secure enough."

4. False Dilemma

Presenting two choices as the only possibilities, when more exist, is known as a false dilemma or false dichotomy. This fallacy simplifies complex issues into an either/or choice, ignoring other viable options or solutions. It's often used to force a decision or polarize a situation, but it overlooks the nuance and range of alternatives that might exist.

"False dichotomies are a staple of binary thinking." – David Weinberger

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this fallacy can arise when only a limited set of risk mitigation strategies are considered for a complex issue, disregarding other potential approaches that could be more effective or appropriate.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: We should explore all available options before making a decision. It's not just about cutting the budget or missing the deadline; there could be other solutions that strike a balance.


  • In a family discussion about vacation destinations, one family member insists that the only options are a costly overseas trip or staying home, ignoring the possibility of exploring more affordable domestic destinations.
  • A project manager insists, "We either cut the budget significantly or miss the deadline," not considering options like re-allocating resources or adjusting project scope.

5. Slippery Slope

Arguing that one small step will inevitably lead to a chain of negative events is known as a slippery slope fallacy. This reasoning suggests that a relatively minor first step will lead to a series of related and progressively worse events. It exaggerates potential consequences, creating a fear-based argument without substantiating the likelihood of these events occurring.

"The problem with slippery slope arguments is that they can always be applied to any change." – Peter Singer

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this could manifest as predicting catastrophic outcomes from minor changes or decisions, like assuming a small budget cut will inevitably lead to the total failure of a project, without considering adaptive strategies or potential mitigations.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: Predicting catastrophic outcomes from minor changes isn't helpful. Let's consider the potential benefits and risks more objectively before making a decision.


  • Suppose someone argues against allowing teenagers to have more independence by saying, "If we let them stay out past midnight, they'll start staying out all night, and it will lead to reckless behavior." This exaggerates the consequences of a small change in rules.
  • During a strategy meeting, a statement is made, "If we invest in this new technology, it will lead to constant upgrades and eventually drain all our resources," without considering the potential efficiency gains or cost-saving measures.

6. Circular Reasoning

Using a conclusion to support the assumption necessary for that conclusion is known as circular reasoning or a circular argument. This logical fallacy occurs when the argument's conclusion is used as a premise to support itself. Essentially, the argument goes around in a circle, with the conclusion and premise relying on each other, providing no independent evidence or logical reasoning.

"Circular reasoning isn't logical, it's just a circle." – Anonymous

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this fallacy can appear in justifying decisions or investments circularly, such as asserting a project's value is evidenced by the fact that it is receiving investment, without providing external or objective reasons for its value.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: We need to provide solid reasons for our decisions, not just rely on the fact that we've been doing something for a while. Let's evaluate the value of each choice independently.


  • If someone claims that a particular book is a classic because "it's a book that has been revered for generations," they are using circular reasoning, as the fact that it's revered is based on the assertion that it's a classic.
  • During a financial meeting, a statement is made, "This software is essential for our operations because we have been using it for a long time," without evaluating its current effectiveness or exploring alternatives.

7. Hasty Generalization

Making a broad generalization based on insufficient evidence is a logical fallacy where a sweeping conclusion is drawn from a limited sample that is too small to support it. This type of reasoning overlooks the diversity and variations within a larger group or set of data, assuming that a few similar instances are representative of the whole.

"Generalization is a dangerous practice." – Eleanor Roosevelt

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this fallacy might manifest when drawing conclusions about the reliability or performance of vendors, technologies, or strategies based on very limited experiences or data points, such as deeming a vendor unreliable due to a single project delay.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: Drawing broad conclusions from limited data can lead to mistakes. Let's gather more information and analyze it carefully before making any judgments.


  • Let's say you meet a few people from a certain city who are rude to you, and you conclude that all people from that city are unfriendly. This generalization is hasty and not based on a sufficient sample size.
  • A team leader decides not to use a certain software for future projects because it crashed once, ignoring other factors like network issues or user error that could have caused the problem.

8. Red Herring

A red herring is a rhetorical tactic that introduces an irrelevant or misleading topic to divert attention away from the original issue. This diversionary tactic shifts the focus of a discussion, often to avoid a difficult topic or to sidetrack an argument. The term 'red herring' is metaphorical, referring to a smoked fish that was once used to distract hunting dogs from a trail.

"A red herring is something that misleads or distracts from a relevant or important question." – Alfred Hitchcock

Risk Management Application: In risk management, a red herring might be used to shift focus away from critical issues. For instance, a discussion about the risks of a data breach might be diverted to general IT costs, thereby sidestepping the urgent need to address security vulnerabilities.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: Changing the subject won't help us address the real issues. Let's stay focused on the important topics at hand.


  • During a family meeting to discuss household chores, if one family member suddenly starts talking about unrelated issues like the neighbor's noisy dog, they are introducing a red herring to divert the conversation away from the main topic.
  • In a debate about adopting new encryption technologies, one team member deflects by questioning the overall efficiency of the IT department, rather than addressing the specific merits of the encryption proposal.

9. Appeal to Authority

Believing something is true simply because an expert says so, without examining evidence, is known as an appeal to authority. This logical fallacy occurs when the opinion of an authority on a topic is used as evidence to support an argument, instead of relying on the argument's own merits or factual evidence. While experts can provide valuable insights, their statements should not be accepted without critical examination and consideration of the context.

"The appeal to authority is more about claims that require evidence than about facts." – Neil deGrasse Tyson

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this fallacy can appear when a strategy or decision is justified solely because it's endorsed by a well-known figure or authority, like a CEO or industry expert, without critically evaluating its relevance or effectiveness in the specific context.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: While experts can provide valuable insights, we should also evaluate ideas based on their merit and relevance to our specific situation. Let's critically assess the proposal itself.


  • If a friend insists that a particular diet plan is the best because their favorite celebrity endorses it, they are relying on an appeal to authority without considering the scientific basis or individual dietary needs.
  • During a technology upgrade proposal, a manager argues for a specific software because it's the same one used by leading tech companies, without assessing whether it's suitable for their company's specific needs and resources.

10. Appeal to Emotion

Manipulating emotions to win an argument, when the emotional appeal is irrelevant to the argument's logic, is known as an appeal to emotion. This fallacy seeks to exploit emotional triggers to persuade, rather than using rational evidence. It often involves creating emotional scenarios that distract from the actual points being discussed and can be particularly persuasive because of their emotional power.

"An appeal to emotion is a poor substitute for facts." – Anonymous

Risk Management Application: In risk management, an appeal to emotion might be used to influence decisions by exaggerating the potential consequences of a small risk, possibly to secure a larger budget or more resources than necessary.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: Emotional appeals should be considered alongside factual evidence. Let's examine the practicality and necessity of the proposal in addition to the emotional aspects.


  • Suppose a politician uses emotional stories of a few individuals struggling with healthcare costs to push for a particular healthcare policy without presenting a comprehensive analysis of its implications.
  • A project manager argues for a substantial increase in safety measures by vividly describing a highly unlikely but tragic accident scenario, instead of presenting statistical safety data.

11. Bandwagon Fallacy

Assuming something is true or right because many people believe it is an appeal to popularity, or argumentum ad populum. This fallacy suggests that the popularity of an idea is a valid indicator of its merit or truthfulness. It ignores the fact that many popular beliefs have been historically inaccurate or misleading and that truth is not determined by the number of people who believe something.

"The fact that many people believe something is no guarantee of its truth." – W. Somerset Maugham

Risk Management Application: In the context of risk management, this fallacy can lead to adopting popular but unproven technologies or strategies for data security, simply because other companies are using them, without a critical assessment of their effectiveness or suitability for one's own needs.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: The popularity of an idea doesn't necessarily make it the right choice for us. Let's evaluate the proposal based on our specific needs and goals.


  • If everyone in your social circle starts using a certain social media platform simply because it's trending, without considering whether it aligns with their preferences or values.
  • A company chooses to invest heavily in a specific type of cybersecurity software because it's widely used in the sector, disregarding whether it's the best fit for their specific security needs.

12. False Cause

Assuming that because two events occur together, one must have caused the other, is a logical fallacy known as false causality or post hoc ergo propter hoc, a Latin phrase meaning “after this, therefore because of this.” This reasoning jumps to a conclusion of causation without sufficient evidence. Just because two events are correlated (they occur together or in sequence), it doesn't necessarily mean that one event caused the other. This fallacy often overlooks other factors that might be the real cause(s) of the observed effect.

"Correlation does not imply causation." – Anonymous

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this fallacy can lead to misinterpreting correlation as causation in risk analysis. For instance, seeing a pattern where none exists or attributing a risk event to the wrong cause because they coincidentally occurred around the same time.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: Correlation doesn't imply causation. We need to consider other factors that might be influencing the outcomes we're observing.


  • If someone believes that wearing a lucky charm during exams leads to better grades because they once wore it and got good results, they are attributing their success to a charm without considering other factors.
  • A company notices that whenever they increase their IT security budget, employee productivity seems to improve, leading them to incorrectly assume that higher security spending directly causes increased productivity, without considering other variables like market conditions or internal policy changes.

13. No True Scotsman

Redefining a term in a biased way to exclude counterexamples is a logical fallacy known as the "No True Scotsman" fallacy. The fallacy takes its name from the examples that was used to illustrate it like "No true Scotsman puts brown sugar on his porridge. The fact that someone puts brown sugar on his porridge just proves that he's no true Scotsman!" This fallacy occurs when the definition of a term is arbitrarily changed to make an argument more defensible. Instead of acknowledging counterexamples or exceptions, the definition is tightened or reinterpreted to exclude them. This tactic dismisses legitimate criticism and maintains a rigid, often subjective, viewpoint.

"This fallacy is the attempt to defend an unreasoned assertion by excluding legitimate criticisms with a fickle redefinition." – Anthony Flew

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this might manifest as adjusting the criteria for what constitutes a successful project or a significant risk, specifically to exclude recent failures or to present data in a more favorable light.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: Changing the criteria to fit our argument doesn't address the issue at hand. Let's consider the evidence objectively and not redefine terms to avoid legitimate criticism.


  • Imagine two friends are discussing what it means to be a "true fan" of a sports team. If one friend claims that anyone who criticizes the team's performance is not a true fan, they are redefining the term to exclude valid opinions.
  • A company changes its definition of 'customer satisfaction' after receiving poor survey results, claiming that those responses don't represent their 'real' customer base.

14. Burden of Proof

Asserting that the opponent must disprove a claim, rather than the speaker proving it, is known as shifting the burden of proof. This logical fallacy occurs when the person making a claim places the responsibility of disproving the claim on others, instead of providing evidence to support it. In a rational argument, the person who makes an assertion is typically responsible for providing evidence to back it up. By shifting the burden of proof, the claimant avoids the responsibility to provide substantiating evidence.

"He who makes a claim is required to provide evidence to support it." – Christopher Hitchens

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this fallacy can surface when someone claims a tool, strategy, or process is effective and challenges others to prove otherwise, without first providing concrete performance data or evidence of its effectiveness.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: In a rational discussion, the person making the claim is responsible for providing evidence to support it. Let's present evidence to back our claims instead of shifting the burden of proof to others.


  • If you claim that a certain herbal remedy can cure a common cold, the burden of proof is on you to provide scientific evidence supporting your claim, rather than expecting others to disprove it.
  • A manager insists that a new organizational change has boosted productivity and challenges the team to prove it hasn't, without presenting any actual productivity metrics.

15. Equivocation

Using double meanings or ambiguities of language to mislead or deceive is known as equivocation. This fallacy involves exploiting the multiple meanings or interpretations of a word or phrase within an argument, often to avoid fulfilling promises or to misrepresent the truth. It relies on the deliberate use of ambiguous language to create a false impression or to avoid addressing the true nature of a situation.

"Ambiguity in language is anathema to clarity, leading to misunderstanding and confusion." – Noam Chomsky

Risk Management Application: In risk management, equivocation can be problematic when vague or ambiguous terms are used in risk assessment reports. This leaves critical risks open to misinterpretation, potentially leading to inadequate responses or misunderstandings about the severity or nature of the risks.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: Using ambiguous language can lead to misunderstandings. Let's clarify the terms and concepts we're discussing to ensure we have a clear understanding of each other's points.


  • Suppose you promise to "help clean the house," but when asked to do the dishes, you respond with, "I said I'd help clean, not specifically do the dishes." This equivocation relies on the ambiguity of the term "clean."
  • In a security protocol, the term "regular updates" is used without defining the frequency, causing confusion about how often the system should be updated and potentially leading to lapses in security.

16. The Gambler's Fallacy

Believing that past events affect the probability of something happening in the future is known as the gambler's fallacy. This logical fallacy is the mistaken belief that if an event occurs more frequently than normal during a past period, it will happen less frequently in the future, or vice versa. It arises from a misunderstanding of probability, assuming that independent events in a random process affect each other's likelihood.

"Remember that past events in probability, like life, do not affect the future." – Walter Isaacson, discussing Albert Einstein

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this fallacy can lead to erroneous assumptions about risks and their likelihood. For example, believing a server is less likely to fail because it hasn't had issues in a long time is a classic case of the gambler's fallacy. It overlooks the fact that each instance of potential server failure is independent and not influenced by past performance.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: Past events don't affect the probability of future outcomes. Each situation should be evaluated independently, considering relevant factors.


  • If you're playing a card game and you believe that because you haven't won in several rounds, your chances of winning the next round are higher, you're falling into the gambler's fallacy by assuming past outcomes affect future ones.
  • After several successful project deliveries, a project manager assumes the next project will also be successful without considering the unique challenges or risks it might entail. This ignores the independent nature of each project's success factors.

17. Personal Incredulity

Dismissing something as untrue or invalid because it's difficult to understand is a logical fallacy that involves rejecting concepts, theories, or arguments solely due to their complexity or a person's lack of understanding. This fallacy is based on the mistaken belief that one's comprehension or level of comfort with an idea is a measure of its truth or validity. It ignores the fact that some concepts are inherently complex and require specialized knowledge or expertise to understand.

"Just because you can't understand it doesn't mean it isn't so." – Lemony Snicket

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this fallacy can manifest as the dismissal of advanced or complex statistical models for risk prediction simply because they are difficult to understand. This approach disregards the value and accuracy such models might provide, judging their merit on understandability rather than on their analytical validity or the quality of their outcomes.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: Complexity doesn't invalidate an idea. Let's make an effort to understand and evaluate complex concepts, seeking expert guidance when necessary.


  • If you find it challenging to understand a complex scientific theory and dismiss it as false simply because it's difficult to comprehend without seeking further explanation or guidance.
  • A financial analyst refuses to consider a new econometric model for forecasting market risks, arguing that it's too complicated, and therefore not reliable, without attempting to understand or evaluate its methodology.

18. Tu Quoque ("You Too")

Responding to criticism by accusing the other person of the same problem, or "tu quoque" (Latin for "you too"), is a fallacy where a person counters an accusation by attacking the accuser with a similar charge. This tactic sidesteps the original criticism and focuses instead on the accuser's behavior. It's a form of deflection and an ad hominem attack that fails to address the validity of the original argument or criticism.

"Responding to criticism with criticism is not a valid argument; it's avoiding the issue." – Julian Baggini

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this fallacy can occur when criticism of one's own risk management approach is deflected by highlighting flaws in a colleague's method. Instead of addressing the potential issues in their approach, the person shifts the focus to someone else's errors or shortcomings.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: Instead of deflecting criticism, let's address the concerns raised and work toward finding solutions.


  • If you're criticized for being late to a meeting, and you respond by pointing out that the person who criticized you was also late last week.
  • When a manager points out potential oversights in a team member's risk analysis, the team member retorts, "Well, your last project had significant risk management issues too," instead of addressing the feedback.

19. Anecdotal Evidence

Using personal experience or an isolated example instead of a valid argument, especially to dismiss statistics or wider evidence, is a logical fallacy known as anecdotal evidence. This fallacy occurs when someone relies on personal experiences or specific instances to support a general conclusion, dismissing or undervaluing statistical data or more comprehensive evidence. While personal stories can be compelling, they often do not represent the larger picture and can be misleading if used as the sole basis for broader claims.

"Personal stories are often touching but they are not a substitute for empirical evidence." – Lawrence M. Krauss

Risk Management Application: In risk management, this fallacy might arise when a single success story is used to justify the effectiveness of a new risk management approach, ignoring broader data and evidence. This approach overlooks the importance of comprehensive analysis and can lead to misguided decisions based on exceptional or atypical results.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: While personal experiences can be valuable, we should also consider broader data and evidence to make informed decisions.


  • If you claim that a particular brand of shoes is the best because your friend wore them and said they were comfortable, you're relying on anecdotal evidence rather than considering broader customer reviews and expert opinions.
  • A project manager argues that a particular risk management tool is unnecessary, citing a recent project that succeeded without it, disregarding the different risk profiles of various projects.

20. Appeal to Tradition

The Appeal to Tradition fallacy occurs when someone argues that a particular idea, practice, or approach is superior or correct simply because it has been in existence for a long time or is a traditional way of doing things. This argument relies on the belief that the longevity or historical use of a method is sufficient evidence of its effectiveness or correctness, without considering whether newer or alternative approaches might be more suitable.

"Tradition becomes our security, and when the mind is secure it is in decay." – Jiddu Krishnamurti

Risk Management Application: In the context of risk management, the Appeal to Tradition fallacy can manifest when individuals or organizations insist on continuing to use outdated risk assessment methods solely because they have been the standard practice for an extended period. Instead of critically evaluating whether these traditional methods are still effective and relevant in the face of evolving risks, they cling to them based on their historical usage.

Best response when others employ this fallacy: Tradition alone doesn't make something better or more effective. Let's evaluate whether newer approaches might be more suitable for our risk management needs.


  • If someone insists on using a manual typewriter for writing assignments because it's a traditional tool, despite the availability of more efficient modern word processors, they are appealing to tradition without considering practicality.
  • An organization relies on outdated security protocols that were established many years ago. Despite the emergence of more sophisticated cybersecurity measures, they resist implementing new practices because they believe that their long-standing security procedures have protected them in the past and are therefore inherently trustworthy.

Key Takeaways

  • Ad Hominem: Attacking the person instead of addressing the argument's merits is a diversion from the substance of the debate.
  • Straw Man: Misrepresenting an opposing viewpoint to make it easier to refute creates a weaker version of the argument and attacks it instead.
  • Appeal to Ignorance: Arguing something is true because it hasn't been proven false overlooks the need for positive evidence to support the claim.
  • False Dilemma: Presenting only two choices as possibilities oversimplifies complex issues and ignores other viable options.
  • Slippery Slope: Predicting a chain of negative events from one small step creates fear-based arguments without substantiating the likelihood of these events occurring.
  • Circular Reasoning: Using a conclusion to support the assumption necessary for that conclusion provides no independent evidence or logical reasoning.
  • Hasty Generalization: Making broad generalizations based on insufficient evidence overlooks variations within a larger group.
  • Red Herring: Introducing irrelevant topics to divert attention from the original issue sidetracks the argument.
  • Appeal to Authority: Believing something is true simply because an expert says so overlooks the need for critical examination and context.
  • Appeal to Emotion: Manipulating emotions to win an argument can distract from the actual points being discussed and relies on emotional power rather than rational evidence.
  • Bandwagon Fallacy: Assuming something is true or right because many people believe it is ignores the fact that popularity doesn't determine truth.
  • False Cause: Assuming causation from correlation without sufficient evidence leads to mistaken conclusions.
  • No True Scotsman: Redefining a term to exclude counterexamples dismisses legitimate criticism and maintains a rigid viewpoint.
  • Burden of Proof: Shifting the burden of proof by demanding others disprove a claim avoids providing evidence to support it.
  • Equivocation: Using double meanings or ambiguities of language to mislead or deceive creates confusion and can misrepresent the truth.
  • Gambler's Fallacy: Believing past events affect the probability of future events misunderstands probability and randomness.
  • Personal Incredulity: Dismissing something as untrue because it's difficult to understand fails to recognize that complexity doesn't invalidate an idea.
  • Tu Quoque ("You Too"): Responding to criticism by accusing the other person of the same problem deflects from addressing the original criticism.
  • Anecdotal Evidence: Relying on personal experience or isolated examples instead of valid arguments dismisses statistical data and wider evidence.
  • Appeal to Tradition: Arguing that something is better or correct because it's older or traditional overlooks whether newer or alternative approaches might be more suitable.


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