#20 in "Letters from Winnie" Series
Winnie Czulinski
Writer ~ Journalist ~ Ghostwriter ~ Editor -> Publishing-PR Pro -> Bringing Your Stories to Life!
In no particular order – the 20th of several pieces reflecting correspondence-advice to potential book/writing-related clients over the years. Often I spent many hours responding.
(I have reproduced no clients' emails to?me?– and have removed all identifying factors from my own letters to them; also, some letters are composites.)
2016 Letter from Winnie
"I've been thinking a lot about everything you said, everything you told me, in our recent phone conversation. What a very sad and moving story – but with also the potential to be moving in a positive way, and certainly cathartic for you.
I like the idea of "no regrets," and feel this can be an inspiring story of true love and how it can transcend anything – yet with a kind of education/enlightenment for the reader, re: mental illness, etc.
From what I understand, you like the idea of blogging your story, unfolding it gradually, etc., and I certainly can help you with that. (I'll expand a bit below, along with a bit of info on book publishing overall).
I feel that to be an effective blogger, it's essential to always be looking beyond the immediate subject (though related to it), with inter-related news, issues, other blogs (both mentioning and linking with – also connecting with them to contribute opinions and content, and to indicate what you yourself are doing, without sounding like any kind of "pitch").
So that's in addition to writing your particular story – and whether you are doing so (and I'm perhaps consulting with you and editing), or whether I am doing much of the writing.
If the latter, an extensive part of the process would involve my "interviewing" you regularly – long phone and Skype conversations, email, texting etc., for lots of info, ideas, parts of the story, the development of characters and issues and what happens...This could take place for several hours each week – and the writing itself could involve that kind of time too.
Then, there are ways, including special software, to turn your blog into a book. Perhaps you'd prefer to start with an ebook (the fastest, most affordable and accessible way), then turn to 'self-publishing' a hard-copy version (I can give you lots of info and advice, and guide you through some of the options of pay-publishing service companies, to help you turn your manuscript into an attractive and professional-looking book.)
Or you can be your own publishing co. – hire editor, cover illustrator, designer, formatter etc., and simply release your book on Amazon.
Of course, there's always the option of approaching a 'traditional' publisher – and I can help research appropriate ones to submit to, and put together a proposal package for that – but you should be prepared to show your "platform" and marketability, and indicate your own promo plans, etc.
(Most major traditional publishers will accept only agented material, but there are smaller/ regional/ specialized publishing companies that might be a possibility.)
However, you can wait months for a response – and even if you did get a contract, it could be up to two years before the book was actually published (and you might be expected to further rewrite, under that company's editorial direction). Also, the publishing co. will "control" the book – its cover, design, distribution, etc.
All part of the realities of the publishing industry! The overall reality also involves being prepared to endlessly promote your book – through traditional and social media of all kinds, through associations and community opportunities, etc., etc. And having a website for the published book itself also is pretty much a necessity.
For now, you might still simply be drawn primarily to the idea of blogging about your story (and all that involves), and building up interest and readership that way. Again, I certainly can help you with the writing. Though it's important that it be and sound like your voice – especially as this is such a personal story – the key is also to make it something "universal," that will resonate with many other people).
Blogging should be frequent – at least a few times a week, and connected to any social media you might be involved with. Blogged posts shouldn't be too long, as I'm sure you know – yet if it's relevant stuff, and presented in good readable little chunks, you can do it with more words...especially if you are reaching out with your blog, connecting with other bloggers, inviting comments and participation on your own, etc.
In any case...any "outcomes" can't necessarily be predicted, but the more you/I/we do for your story, the more chance it has to reach a readership and get some response – and possibly show potential marketability for a published book.
BTW, if you ultimately wanted to 'self-publish' a book with a co. advertising these services – be aware the costs for such services vary widely, but you're probably looking at anywhere from around $500 to $15,000+ depending on the co., and the services you want.
In addition to the several thousands of $$ you might pay for ghostwriting, of course this can add up to a lot of money! There are ways around this - e.g., I can function more as a tutor/coach rather than ghostwriter, and help guide you with your writing. Or I can be an editor – tweak your posts, make suggestions, provide further info and links, tie-ins, etc.
As for my rates, I don't have specific ones, as each job is so different (and often quite open-ended) and clients have different preferences of how to pay. I've worked by the hour (around ___ which certainly can be lowered if the job is long and ongoing), or on a weekly or monthly retainer (anywhere from ____ to ____), or by the project (anywhere from ____ to around ______) Large ongoing jobs usually are paid in installments, and all jobs with a deposit.
I've written/edited various book projects for fees ranging from about _______to _____ (book-related projects often involve several months to a year or more of work, with a few drafts, etc.).?
I try to be flexible and work with a client's budget, too – so often simply will ask, "How much would you like to spend and what would you like to accomplish?" Then I let them know what I could do for that – and almost always go above and beyond!
So, if you have any kind of budget you'd like to keep to, let me know – then we can plan based on that. I can probably do something great for almost any amount – and always ask for a deposit (for an agreed-upon amount).
And if (I think you kind of liked the idea of this) you wanted to begin the project by blogging, we can plan based on that, and I can begin to help work it out it with you; have some discussions and back-and-forth, and begin to weave content together and make other blog connections, etc. BTW, I have a terrific library book, How to Blog A Book (by Nina Amir) - and many other resources.
Overall, and even though you have indicated this can be a kind of therapeutic process for you, I foresee it might be quite an emotional one, and possibly an intrusive one, if (in the writing-editing process) I feel I have to ask questions, get more info, basically "pry" into the privacy of your relationship, while also presenting it within a kind of universal format and approach, to give many other readers a connection.
It's also a process that likely will take several months of good solid work to have an effect and may continue to be quite an extensive process. In any case, we can plan out a certain # of hours per week for us (but can be flexible) to work together on this, in whatever way we decide (and I can do lots of planning/ research/writing on this end, on my own, once we're kind of working as a team).
And oh yes – we also can talk about marketing, promo and publicity. After all, what you're doing is going to have some effect only if people and media know about you. Lots to talk about there.
"Thanks, hope you have a good day, and I look forward to hearing from you. And thanks again for giving me the opp to help you with your very moving story!"