20 Lessons Learned from 2018

Friends, 2018 was a rich year of learning, and learning is more about sharing than benefiting solely for one's own good. So, here is what I owe for the past year.

1. Be more aware of what you don't know.

2. For those worthy of love, love unconditionally. 

3. Speak as unreservedly with true friends as you would with your own self.

4. Continue to build trust. It comes with integrity, credibility, and a track record. 

5. View friendships as a continuous alliance building exercise. Look after them and give first to earn back.

6. Whenever you can, make people laugh. A bonus if you couple it with a hearty meal. 

7. Don't overplan. Be opportunistic and expose yourself to upside options. 

8. Step outside your comfort zone of expertise and learn from someone completely different than you are. 

9. Don't compromise on sleep, quality food, and exercise (HIIT, strength, endurance, whatever it is). 

10. Don't regret, yet don't glorify mistakes. 

11. When making a decision, look for the single reason that matters.

12. Prioritize. At any single moment, put your soul in the activity of focus. 

 13. Facts are important, but stories stick better. 

14. When overwhelmed, escape your state of mind with prayer, meditation, music, art, or any form of aesthetics. 

15. Be the last person to speak. Assert on closing. 

16. Embrace uncertainty and don't artificially constrain the course of life. 

17. It matters to be "very" right a few number of times rather than just right many times. 

18. Hold yourself accountable to the same standards you hold others to. 

19. Practice what you preach. 

20. Think truthfully for yourself and have a strong well informed opinion, even if you run against the crowd. Change when new evidence warrants so. 

Wishing all a blessed and productively generous 2019.


