Ever thought about writing a book?
Here’s the inside scoop for you.
After writing 20+ books over the last 12ish years, I’ve learned a few things lol.
Some of these are insights I’ve never shared publicly before. Some of these are lessons I didn’t even realize until now.
And I know that there are gems here for those who need it.
Maybe one of these little lessons is what you need to break through your old patterns and write that book.
That’s my intention at least.
Now here are 20 lessons I’ve learned from writing 20+ books.
- Writing every day is THE most important thing.
- Writing is a muscle. The more you practice, the stronger you get with it.
- Even if you’re a naturally talented writer, you still need practice to write a book. Even if you’re not a naturally talented writer, you can still write a great book with practice.
- You don’t need to write all day. 20-60 minutes of focused writing time every day adds up quickly.
- Soul-level inspiration is what creates long term motivation and follow through.
- If you want to write a book to chase money or fame, you’re going to quit as soon as you face challenges (because your motivation isn’t deep).
- You overcome procrastination by committing to write just a little bit every day.
- You overcome self doubt by writing THROUGH your self doubt.
- When you write a book, the book also writes a new chapter in your life.
- You develop so many skills at once when you write a book (writing ability, consistency, commitment, focus, patience, critical thinking, organization, self-awareness, time management, etc).
- If you expect to sell tons of copies as soon as you release a book, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Most books spread through word of mouth, and take years to really hit their stride.
- Writing a book is a spiritual rite of passage.
- A book is a living being that needs you to help bring it into this realm.
- Writing a book forever changes your relationship with ideas. You learn to commune with ideas in new ways.
- Journaling helps you become a better writer, and combine your intuition with writing.
- If you’re new to writing books, creating a detailed outline will help A LOT.
- Writing a book is the ultimate way to distill a passion or concept you deeply care about and share it with the world.
- Writing a book is a practice of spiritual devotion.
- If you’re overwhelmed with writing a book, do one of these two things. Set a timer for 20 minutes and outline, or set a timer for 20 minutes and just write (even if it’s “bad” and even if you only write one sentence).
- Momentum is huge with book writing. That’s why writing every day is so important (even if it’s just a little bit every day).
Which one of these lessons resonates most with you?
I’m hosting a free (online) workshop on October 19.
Called “The Writer’s Roadmap.”
Here’s some of what I’ll be sharing:
- My proven process to write a book
- A walkthrough of how to outline two new book ideas
- The 4 keys to consistent, prolific writing
It’ll be fun and interactive too! Plus, I’m doing a surprise giveaway!
Much love, Stephen Parato
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