[My Re-Written ?#?TRUTH? Version, aka: Get The Kids Out The Room ]
About two weeks back, an article got published on Business Insider. I liked it. For the most part...
But there was one MAJOR flaw. It sugar-coated every freakin' thing. And it did all its readers a huge dis-service.
So today, I'm RE-WRITING it.
I'm known as a nice guy but today, the gloves come off.
YES, NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH -- even if it stings.
You ready? Here we go.
1. It's unfamiliar.
#TRUTH: You don't REALLY give a shit to WANT to learn HOW to do things differently. Instead of using Google to find out about business and what works, you rather Google when the next damn movie is out and where it's playing.
2. You don't want to give up your non-necessities.
#TRUTH: Your creature comforts have made you SOFT. You have everything you need so WHY PUSH? WHY HUSTLE? You don't crave the climb. You just don't see the need. That 2,000 thread count silk sheet? That part-time maid? That new phone you didn't really have to get? Yup... you're gonna DIE without 'em, right?
3. Your thinking stinks.
#TRUTH: You FEED your brain so much garbage everyday, you're slowly losing the ability to THINK CRITICALLY. Heck, can you even think rationally?
4. You think Lotto is the only answer.
#TRUTH: You're waiting for that ONE BIG WIN. That BIG dream to miraculously happen. But if you did some REALLY SIMPLE SHIT, you could have your OWN PowerBall - every month, every week, jeez... everyday if you wanted it badly enough.
5. You're reluctant to find allies to launch your big idea.
#TRUTH: You're pussyfooting about because you're "scared someone will steal my idea". Awwwwww. Poor you. Listen pal, you don't make a million dollars by having a million excuses. A million dollar idea is ONLY a million dollar idea with a MILLION DOLLAR EXECUTION. If you can't figure it all out, find people that can.
6. You're afraid to fail.
#TRUTH: Oh boohoohoo. You're so very sad you won't get any shiny golden super duper stickers if you fail. And because of that, you don't even TRY. Want my advice? The secret to success is knowing that FAILURE is NEVER the final destination. SO KEEP BLASTED FIRING!
7. You'd rather not be the target.
#TRUTH: You have ZERO BALLS. You just can't make a stance and FIRMLY STAND BY IT - whether the feedback is critical or not. Instead of realizing you can GROW from feedback, you squirm away at the first sign of criticism.
8. It's too much to handle.
#TRUTH: You think doing anything more than the "job at hand" is just too much. NO! Sometimes in life, you need to wear twenty-two damn hats man!
9. You're into self-sabotage.
#TRUTH: You let that stupid gnawing negative self-talk in the back of your head overpower you. Know what drives it out? ACTION & MOMENTUM. Tell the voice in your head to shut the f*ck up 'cuz you're too busy getting shit done.
10. Rejection, rejection, rejection.
#TRUTH: Some girl you asked out turned you down and now you live with that rejection for your entire life. WAKE UP MAN! Play the law of numbers. Every single person who has been successful has been REJECTED in some way, shape, or form!
11. Scarcity mentality.
#TRUTH: You fail to realize this is one of the MOST ABUNDANT TIMES in the HISTORY OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION. You have access (via your mobile) to just about ANYTHING. But no, you let the media fool you into thinking it's worse than it actually is. My friend, WAKE UP! (Go read Abundance by Peter Diamandis... oh wait, nevermind.. you're not going to do that either.)
12. You hear your parents in your head.
#TRUTH: You succumb to the MENTAL SAFETY NETS your parents put around you. Growing up, they wanted you to be safe. But now as an adult, you STILL BEHAVE LIKE A CHILD. That's NOT going to work. Take CALCULATED RISKS. Break OUT from the mental restrictions and be SMART - even if that means questioning closely-held archaic beliefs!
13. You don't set reachable goals - or any goals.
#TRUTH: You're just a dreamer. As Com Mirza would say, you need to be a "DREAMCHASER"! Set a reachable goal. Get the small win. GROW from there. You can still DREAM AS YOU CLIMB! They are NOT mutually-exclusive.
14. You're stuck in a rut.
#TRUTH: Life has become nothing but a BORING BLUR of EXISTENCE for you. What you're doing today is the EXACTLY what you did 3 years ago and will be the exact thing you do 3 years from now.
Remember this: "Don't live the same life 75 YEARS and call it LIFE."
15. You don't want to revisit a past financial trauma.
#TRUTH: You got dealt a bad hand but you rather sit and cry and sulk 5 years later. TODDLERS have more guts than you -- they fall down and STILL get up to walk. Get your shit together man.
16. You don't want to face the debt demon.
#TRUTH: You made STUPID (maybe "brave"... I might give you that) financial moves and now you rather hide in ignorance. GET CREATIVE. FIND A NEED. FILL IT. AND THE MONEY YOU MAKE from it will patch all your debt. Stop pussyfooting about, you dingbat. Who's going to take care of the debt if not you??
17. You don't know which financial pro to trust.
#TRUTH: You're too dumb to realize you can use Google to get reviews or ask for a track record. Seriously dude.....
18. You don't want to look stupid.
#TRUTH: You fail to realize that YOU LOOK STUPID BY TRYING NOT TO LOOK STUPID. Read #1 again.
19. Your friends will hate you.
#TRUTH: How the HELL were they your friends to begin with if they can't be happy for your success? And you're letting THAT hold you back?? Read #9 again.
20. You don't want to miss your favorite sitcoms - all of them.
#TRUTH: You rather sit on your ass, glued to the TV, laughing for half of your friggin' life, instead of "FINDING A NEED AND FILLING IT" so you can laugh all the way to the bank. Wow...
If you want ANYTHING badly enough, you'll simply do WHATEVER IT TAKES to go and get it. And if you can't do that, THEN DO NOT COMPLAIN DUDE.
Just remember this...
The next time you have shit to do, the next time you've COMMITTED to doing something, but you catch yourself lazing around all day... playing Angry Birds and catching re-runs of Friends, I want you to remind yourself of this simple truth, "I am lazy & this is obviously more important to me than my goals."
If that last line is hard to stomach, then DO SOMETHING about it.
"Remember that guy that gave up? Yea.. well, neither does anyone else."
Rosh "Tough Love" Khan signing out.
If this RESONATED WITH YOU in anyway or if you know someone that needs to hear this message, then do 'em a favor... SHARE IT.
Workplace Experience Coordinator | Event Planner | Copy Writer | Website Manager | Writer
9 年Oh my word.... this article....
Senior Vice President, Commercial Product (retired)
9 年I love this article, BUT I don't care about getting rich. I love this article because it's relevant to being successful, however you define it.
Risk Manager | Workers' Compensation Claims Management and Oversight
9 年This is very true and to the point. Something 95% of the population needs to hear. Well done.
?? Results-Driven ?? Tech & Ops Leader
9 年I am sharing this with my team.
9 年hahaha cracking up!! lolz good stuff tho