20 Effective Leadership Qualities Of Barack Obama
Would you want to be an effective leader in your sphere of influence like Barack Obama,the 44th President of the United States of America. Would you rather develop yourself to be a better leader than Barack Obama?. This is certainly possible and I will be glad to let you into the needed attributes and how to go about cultivating it.
For every outstanding leaders on the planet, there is one or two lessons, one can learn, internalize, enabling us to be better prepared to serve as leader. This is a vital process of leadership osmosis. There are several lessons, one can learn from very good leaders in our midst, this is done by a careful observation of their daily engagements.
At the pinnacle of leadership, only very few leaders, the world over, has ever commanded deep global adulation and emulations to commend comprehensive study and attentions to their life and times. Only very few of such leaders had ever been our source of leadership reference and emulations.
Many great leaders had lived and continue to live with us, only few of them had been superlative and exceedingly exceptional. Only very few leaders; like Winston Churchill, F.D.Rosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mao Tse Tsung, Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, Julius Nyerere,Festus Moghae,Kwame Nkrumah and our very own Barack Obama.
The Barack Obama's leadership is exemplary; during and even after leaving office, the fact remains that many leadership institutions across the world still continue to study his leadership traits, style and engagements. It thus becomes necessary to distilled out the very essence of Barack Obama's qualitative and sterling, before, during and after his presidency in America.
Either in business, politics, career or even in personal life, a profuse adoption of many, if not all of the Barack Obama's leadership principle, remain a sure and clear ways to success, self fulfillment and in acquiring an undeniable strategic edge over your close and threatening peers or competitors.
Barack Obama Jr has always been a leaders in a true sense and meaning of the word and yet remain the best leadership discovery of the twentieth century?
He, right from birth, had been very conscious of his station in life, and from that tender age realized the powerful lever of leadership in realizing his potentials and in also propelling him to a greater heights. He thus studied great leaders, ahead of him, and went ahead to internalized their attributes, to the hazardous points of duplication!
Today, by the reasons of his actions, he has come to daily exudes all the qualities and habits that not only makes a leader effective, but also become a statesman and a leader of the highest repute across the globe.
The Barack Obama's leadership principle, revealed here in, culminated to his untainted eight years of leadership of the world's most powerful nation and will no doubt serve as the much needed inspirational blueprint for you to consciously develop your latent, but very unique leadership skills needed to navigate the journey of life, seamlessly.
The Barack Obama's qualities are highlighted below for you emulation;
He Is Visionary.
He is visionary. Barack Obama,like the famed eagle, is uncommonly and incurably visionary and deeply "aware" of his sense of mission to humanity and strategies to actualize his vision. He is visionary enough to change his station in life from obscurity to fame-not for selfish reasons-arising from his years of service to the community in Chicago as a community organizers to his memorable days in the presidency. He is always crystal clear on how he wants to achieve his specific goals and how others around him, will be spiraled into his vision. If you'll ever make impacts in life, then, you not only need to be visionary, but be discipline enough to strategically actualize your vision.
He Is Thoroughly Organized
Barack Obama is a thoroughly organized leader, with a stickler for the minute details. He realized the place of effective planning and organization towards actualization of vision. He critically plan his time, schedules and engagements, carefully organizing every elements or semblance of distractions out of his life. He pruned vain associations and perimetered idle talkers. He ,however, positively influences- those who are lucky to be close to him,- to be very focus and pursue things that are really going to make a difference. It is time for you to become more organized that you'd been in the past.
He Is Courageous And Fearless
From ages, timidity has always been a chronic enemy of successful endeavors. Barack Obama is a fearless chronic-risk taker, a hallmark of all great leaders in the world. For an instance, in 2004,he against the caution of close friends and aides, took a big gamble by running for presidency, and terribly lost the primaries.
He Is Convincingly Influential and persevere
He as a leader is forcefully convincing, to the point of influencing others to subscribe and tow a line of thought that he believes will better their lots. This has in no measures help him to get many of his positive messages across to American and equally motivated his prodigious contributions to effective legislation in the senate chamber of America. His dogged spirit of perseverance also helped in no small measure to sustained his struggles as a community organizer in Chicago.
He is a Positive influencer
Barack Obama is no doubt an unashamed student of the school of the power of positive thinking, critical thinking and meditations. He never fail to give deep dose of "morphine of hope" and "opium of reassurances" to the hopeless and depressed. His acts of giving hope is inbuilt and legendary! By these very reason, he remain an undiluted inspirations to billions of people worldwide. He never fail to show the citizens of the world that with the right dosages of hope, determinations and hard work, all dreams are achievable.
He Exhibits State-manly Confidence
He as a leaders, regularly exhibits leadership cautions, realizing the vulnerability of the throne and the ultimate limits of human frailty. He remain unruffled in the faces of provocation and harsh criticism.
He Stays Human And Remain Humble
He is unpretentiously humble, even to a fault. He usually tries to override tight protocols to demonstrate the fact that he remain human, in spite the enormous influence and power of his office as the President of US. On some occasion, he drove himself and ever ready to drive others in his car., this is not done out of publicity stunt, but a true revelation form a humble soul. He, at a point shook hand with police on guard and he is never afraid to apologize when he is wrong.
He Is Unrestrainedly Generous
He is generous, donating part of his incomes to the charity and the needy. He is equally generous with his time and resources, deploying it to succor the needy.
He Is Unwavering Self-Believer
Barack Obama strongly believe in himself, his dreams, potential and how to explore and deploy such an endowment for the collective benefits of humanity. Aside believing in himself, he also regularly urge others to believe in themselves and the beauty of theirs dreams, to the extent of striving to overcome all obstacles to those dreams and vision.
He Has A Deep Sense Of Commitment And Gratitude
Barack Obama is a true patriot and a believers in America's dream, not only the dreams of his father. He shows gratitude effortlessly. He never failed to pay back his debt of gratitude, through the college loans he got to sponsor his education at Harvard University. He paid up all the loan he got in 1991 only in2004,totaling 13 years.
He Associates With And Learn From Mentor And Wise People.
One of the open secrets of Obama's phenomenal rise to power and prestige, has to do with his attributes of staying under to learn or associating with the wise and knowledgeable. This attributes, helped mitigates errors in policy decision as well as his choices. This also informed his clear choice of his vice president Joe Biden, most of his campaign team and even the choice of his staff in the White House.
He Usually Remembers And Acknowledge The Leaders Before Him
Barack Obama is a unique leaders, that had most of his years read and learnt more from all past leaders and presidents of America before him, and regularly refers to iconic leaders who inspired him; leaders like Martin Luther King Jr and F.D. Roosevelt. He is also deeply inspired by the leadership of Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Ghandi.
He Is A Chronic Mind And Character Builder Through Reading And Traveling
The quality of the mind of a man determines the level of the quality of success. Ways by which we can improve the quality of our mind is through reading of good books and also through travelling. Barack Obama is an avid and voracious reader. He reads regularly and daily. He begins each day reading major daily newspapers. He would rather invest in buying books or traveling rather than engaging in frivolous expenditures.
He Is An Effective Communicator
Effective communication, lies behind the root of result -oriented leadership. Obama is a powerful orators and good speaker. He talks with logic and marshal his facts with unassailable delivery, targeting and influencing his well selected audience. His speeches are inspiring, digestible and catalyzing. His eye contact, disarming and his verbal fluency and distant shadow-boxing compliment his effective delivery.
He Has A Deep Family Connections
Barack Obama may not have been to close and regularly interacted with his biological father as he would have wished for, he was however very close to and dearly love his family. He truly love Michelle, his wife and his two daughters, Malia and Natasha(Shasha). Despite his busy schedules, he find time to devotes and be with his family. He never forgets all important dates that are memorable to the family. Dates, such as birthday and wedding anniversary. No fact clearly demonstrate the love of Barack for his family than when he painfully missed an important vote on a crime package during the 1999 Christmas holiday.
He Has Good Education
He has deep quest for knowledge and sought education with an unbridled keenness. He sacrificed more to acquire education and went to do so in one of the best university in the world.
He Keeps God First Above Any Other Issues
Realizing the infinite power of God in directing the affairs of men, Barack Obama keep faith and believe in God. He belongs to and worship in the Church.
He Has High Fidelity
He is a true leaders who always ensures that his expectations are always higher than those of the people around him, so as to enable him meet up to his task. He feared over-promise and under deliver in a deal or policy decision.
He Strive For Good Health
Health body is a treasure trove of wealth, at least in helping the bearer to translate vision to a tangible realities. He eats well and on good diet and coupled it with light exercise. He runs 3 miles and work out for 45 minutes, six days a week. He plays basketball daily and also added jogging to his stay-fit menu.
He Is An Efficient Time Manager.
Barack Obama is an efficient time manager. He manages his time efficiently and strategically, to realize his goals. Where possible, he eliminates television distractions, he avoids wasting on receiving phone calls and emails, by delegating such a time consuming engagements.
He Exhibits Strong Work Ethics
Barack Obama has the attributes of deep commitments to working as hard as he can, within a carefully plan time schedule. He prepare for meeting with a prior research into areas of engagements. He comes to most of his meetings with questions and decisions. He reads through every piece of paper he gets every day at 8.00pm
He Is A Team Player
He is a team players. He regularly and find commonality to engage his team and gets things done. This is possible by the fact that he possesses team spirit, that helps to meet and engage an individuals or groups to the points of bringing out the bests in them. You may not be Barack Obama,but you can certainly do your best in terms of leadership attributes and disposition to the points of bettering your lots and on impacting humanity.
1 年The world needs more Obama’s…… now more than ever.
2 年I like his leadership qualities. They are very unique.
Marketing Professional | UX Writer and Researcher | Content Strategist| Web Content| Design Thinking Practitioner
2 年Thanks for sharing this amazing post. With no doubt Obama is extraordinary. Very inspiring.
3 年Well said and oh so true.