20 Days Into January 2024

20 Days Into January 2024

What Have You Achieved? No pressure… okay, maybe a little!

Hey Tribe,

Happy TOT Monday! That mostly chaotic but full-of-potential day when I get to share just one thing I’m doing, one thing I’m learning and one thing I think you should try.

So How’s January treating you so far?

  1. I’m crushing it
  2. Pretending to crush them at least
  3. I already forgot my goals.
  4. Skipped the whole New Year’s Goal
  5. My New Year is just starting

Today’s edition is a bit special because we’re at that point (okay, maybe not all of us but most of us) where we start asking: “Wait, was this New Year’s Goal even worth it?” Or maybe even “What was I thinking when I set that goal?”

Relax, friend. Deep breaths. We’ll figure it out together. It’s all part of the process.

One Thing I’m Doing: Tackling Tough Conversations

This January, I’ve had more tough conversations with family, friends and loved ones than I probably did all of last year combined. The 2025 Me has decided: no more sweeping things under the rug!

You know those moments when you have thoughts or feelings you want to express, but you don’t because:

  • You don’t want to hurt the other person.
  • You don’t want to make things awkward.
  • You think, “Maybe it’s not a big deal; I’ll just let it slide.”

Yeah, I used to do that too. But I’ve realized avoiding these conversations creates unnecessary assumptions and weakens relationships over time.

So, I started having them—the hard, awkward but necessary conversations. And guess what?

  • It’s cleared up SO many assumptions.
  • It’s strengthened my bonds with loved ones.
  • It’s helped me set healthy boundaries.

Sometimes, growth looks like choosing discomfort now to avoid chaos later.

One Thing I’m Learning: Stress Isn’t Always What You Think

This one hits close to home.

I was chatting with a loved one recently and he told me how mentally and emotionally drained he felt—without even knowing why. Does this sound like you sometimes?

I’ve been there too, eventually, I’d get back to feeling fine but I never really stopped to figure out how and maybe why.

So, I decided to follow up. I asked him how he was feeling a few days later—on a day he’d received some good news at work. His answer? He felt so much better. Why?

“It’s the love and support from people around me,” he said.

Turns out, the cure for that vague, unexplainable internal stress was:

  1. Feeling loved and appreciated.
  2. Spending time with people who uplift him.
  3. Celebrating even the smallest wins.

So here’s my takeaway: When you’re feeling emotionally and mentally drained, pause. Reach out to loved ones. Celebrate the little things. Sometimes, the antidote to stress isn’t what you do alone but who you share your time with.

One Thing You Should Try

Try the 3-Minute Gratitude Challenge this week!

Text or call someone you care about and share one thing you love or appreciate about them. I’ve done this and it’s amazing how a simple message can lift both your mood and theirs. Let me know how it works for you!

Now It’s Your Turn!

Over to you, Tribe: What’s one thing you’re doing, learning or trying this week? Drop a reply, comment or DM me—I’d love to hear about it..

Thanks for reading this week’s TOT Newsletter. If you found it helpful, share it with a friend—because, we don’t gatekeep good vibes around here.

Until next week,

TechBabe ??


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