# 2: Why to invest in technology and start-ups / Pro? investovat do technologií a start-up?
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# 2: Why to invest in technology and start-ups / Pro? investovat do technologií a start-up?

How (and why) to invest in start-ups. Series of short articles./ Jak (a pro?) investovat do start-up?. Série krátkych ?lánk?.

Before I dig deep into how to invest, I want to spend some time and discuss why to invest in technology and start-ups. Weird question, isn’t it? It is so obvious that mankind’s progress and future are driven by technology, and every wealthy person needs to invest in the future. Well, it is probably not so obvious, at least in Europe. Compared to the US, the share of venture investments in the portfolio is mostly much lower in Europe.

European investors are generally more risk-averse. They prefer to be on the safe side and favour real estate. I believe that one important reason for that is the role of state. Let me explain. In US culture, traditionally, the state had less influence. People tend to rely on themselves. And wealthy people feel the necessity to give back. Europeans have always been used to a strong state that takes care of and helps. So why do I give back? I pay taxes.

One reason for investing in start-ups is definitely giving back. Supporting entrepreneurs and helping new technologies to be created. And be part of something new and big. Something that will have a huge impact.

One Czech wealthy person told me years ago that he doesn’t want to invest. He doesn’t want any profit. He wants to give out all his fortune. To charities, to those needed. Good intentions for sure. But it's a bit funny. Endowments are, together with pension funds, the largest investor in VC in the USA. Supporting entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship is as vital as charity to me. Remember the saying – don’t give them fish; teach them how to fish. And in Europe even more. If something can change our bureaucratic, old-fashioned way of doing business, it is the rise of entrepreneurship.

But the main reason to invest is financial. Investors want to make money. In this case, greed is good for sure. Return on investment is the way we measure success. And VC is, in the long term, the most profitable asset class. But be careful. The power law is very strong here. A small portion of investments account for all the profit. You can lose 80% of your investments, and still, the remaining 20% will give you a very nice profit. So, if you invest to make money, do it wisely. I'll come to that later.

Many entrepreneurs and corporates invest to keep up with the latest technology. Innovation. Today's most prominent corporations were small start-ups not long ago (by the way, it is interesting to compare the average age of corporations in the US and Europe. The American ones are small children compared to their European peers. But they are the largest corporations in the world). And they often keep the startup mindset and invest to retain their superiority. ChatGPT is an excellent example.

Active investment also keeps you young. If you invest directly as an angel or through funds as an LP, you can spend your time with a community of inspiring people. If you want to be a good investor, you need to think about future trends. As it is a private market without trading, you make decisions for a long time. You don’t have to check the stock exchange daily, but you need to understand trends. And that comes with learning. For many investors, learning is one of the major assets they get from investing.

The good question is, why not invest? If you invest, you can lose all your money, that’s sure. And you can waste a lot of time because it is not easy to learn to make the right bets. But, as I see it, you lose much more if you don’t invest. Agree?

Ne? se pono?ím hlouběji do toho, jak investovat, chci si trochu popovídat o tom, pro? investovat do technologií a start-up?. Divná otázka, ?e? Je tak z?ejmé, ?e pokrok a budoucnost lidstva jsou poháněny technologiemi a ka?dy bohaty ?lověk musí investovat do budoucnosti. No, asi to není tak z?ejmé, alespoň v Evropě. Ve srovnání s USA je podíl rizikovych investic v portfoliu v Evropě vět?inou mnohem ni??í.

Evrop?tí investo?i se obecně více vyhybají riziku. Dávají p?ednost jistotě a up?ednostňují nemovitosti. Domnívám se, ?e jedním z d?le?itych d?vod? je úloha státu. Dovolte mi to vysvětlit. V Americké spole?nosti se tradi?ně méně anga?oval ve stát. Lidé mají tendenci spoléhat se sami na sebe. A bohatí lidé cítí pot?ebu něco vracet. Evropané byli v?dy zvyklí na silny stát, ktery se stará a pomáhá. Tak pro? něco vracet? Platím daně.

Jedním z d?vod?, pro? investovat do start-up?, je rozhodně vracet spole?nosti. Podporovat podnikatele a pomáhat p?i vytvá?ení novych technologií. A byt sou?ástí ně?eho nového a velkého. Ně?eho, co bude mít obrovsky dopad.

Jeden ?esky bohaty ?lověk mi p?ed lety ?ekl, ?e nechce investovat. Nechce ?ádny zisk. Chce rozdat v?echno své jmění. Charitativním organizacím, těm, kte?í to pot?ebují. Ur?itě dobré úmysly. Ale je to trochu legra?ní. Nada?ní fondy jsou spolu s penzijními fondy největ?ím investorem do rizikového kapitálu v USA. Podpora podnikatel? a podnikání je pro mě stejně d?le?itá jako charita. Vzpomeňte si na p?ísloví – nedávejte jim ryby; nau?te je ryba?it. A v Evropě to platí je?tě více. Pokud něco m??e změnit ná? byrokraticky, staromódní zp?sob podnikání, pak je to vzestup podnikavosti.

Ale hlavní d?vod k investování je finan?ní. Investo?i chtějí vydělávat peníze. V tomto p?ípadě je chamtivost ur?itě dobrá. Návratnost investic je zp?sob, jakym mě?íme úspěch. A VC je z dlouhodobého hlediska nejziskověj?í t?ídou aktiv. Ale bu?te opatrní. Power law je zde velmi silné. Malá ?ást investic tvo?í ve?kery zisk. M??ete p?ijít o 80 % svych investic, a p?esto vám zbyvajících 20 % p?inese velmi pěkny zisk. Pokud tedy investujete, abyste vydělali peníze, dělejte to moud?e. K tomu se dostanu později.

Mnoho podnikatel? a korporací investuje, aby udr?eli krok s nejnověj?ími technologiemi. Inovacemi. Nejvyznamněj?í korporace dne?ka byly je?tě nedávno malé start-upy (mimochodem, je zajímavé porovnat pr?měrny věk korporací v USA a Evropě. Ty americké jsou ve srovnání se svymi evropskymi protěj?ky malé děti. Ale jsou to největ?í korporace na světě). A ?asto si zachovávají mentalitu startupu a investují, aby si udr?eli svou nad?azenost. ChatGPT je vynikajícím p?íkladem.

Aktivní investování vás také udr?uje mladé. Pokud investujete p?ímo jako angel nebo prost?ednictvím fond? jako LP, m??ete trávit ?as s komunitou inspirativních lidí. Pokud chcete byt dobrym investorem, musíte myslet na budoucí trendy. Vzhledem k tomu, ?e se jedná o soukromy trh bez obchodování, investi?ní horizont je dlouhy. Nemusíte denně kontrolovat burzu, ale musíte rozumět trend?m. A to p?ichází s u?ením. Pro mnoho investor? je u?ení jedním z hlavních hodnot, které investováním získají.

Dobrou otázkou je, pro? neinvestovat? Pokud investujete, m??ete p?ijít o v?echny své peníze, samoz?ejmě. A m??ete ztratit spoustu ?asu, proto?e není snadné nau?it se správně investovat. Ale jak to vidím já, ztratíte mnohem více, pokud investovat nebudete. Souhlasíte?

Damir Ibrahimagic Kopinic

Early-stage investor & advisor

10 个月

Great post Petr Sima, everything you wrote is true. Unfortunately, it seems you and I will not live long enough to see the change in the European investors' mindset and change in their risk tolerance (aversion)????♂?

Michal Krondiak

Founder : Podcast @StretnimeSa! | AltSet | @YnvestHub | Convex Investment Managem B.V. | Ex - CEO Opportunity Fund

10 个月

Innovation means doing something others do not see or understand well. And that’s not an easy task. It would help if investors were more open minded and set to listen without having to change their own preferences.

Michal Ukropec

CEO at twinzo | Digital Twins | >114k follows | Helping Organizations That Seek Operational Excellence to Be More Effective

10 个月

VCs need to learn more from your attitude... They are too scared for some of us... Thank you for having us on board ??

Jiri Kram

Account Executive @ Oracle | Cloud & AI

10 个月

Indeed Petr Sima. Tech investments are one of the biggest generators of highest returns. During my MIT studies we built predictive models and in my student work I applied it on predicting potential tech M&A & IPOs. From the run of the model in June 2016 and second one in August 2016, model predicted over 16 events in overall size of $42 billion. You can go and search for yourself names of each companies mentioned in the article that were included in my model. Yes, tech investments works!! https://www.bsi.com.au/the-25-hottest-tech-companies-that-could-be-acquired-next-august-2016/


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