???????? № 2 – Weaknesses

???????? № 2 – Weaknesses

“What are your weaknesses?”

At some point in everyone’s career, the dreaded HR textbook question always makes its way during an interview.

While I do believe everyone has their fair share of human nature flaws, I’m questioning the hypothesis that what is considered ‘weakness’ is nothing more than societal conditioning.

I’ll focus on 5, since I think these insidious retrograde ideas are being force-fed into our minds from early on.

What are some ideas of weaknesses and why are they in reality strengths??

1. Ego.

Ego is a powerful tool when used the right way.

Ego is a construct of the mind, and it goes hand in hand with spirit.?

Of course, an inflated ego prevents the understanding of one’s flaws, but on the other side of the spectrum, an underdeveloped ego makes one subservient, docile, demotivated. That’s why BALANCE is key.

You’ll never look up to or ask guidance from someone who doesn’t know better, who doesn’t have an ego.

An individual with a healthy ego is what every system needs, even though they are terrified of getting someone like that onboard.

2. Risk.

Nothing says compliance more than “risk is bad”.

Play it safe, beaten path, no risk no worries – avoiding risk is avoiding life.

Every time I lead interviews, the one question that tells me everything I need to know about a person is:

“What do you do outside of work?”

If I get the cookie-cutter response of Netflix / going out / traveling, that candidate is a lost cause, regardless of their achievements. They’re boring.?

There is a reason why the most precious memories are always connected to some sort of an adrenaline rush – skydiving, mountain climbing, running with the bulls, NOT watching the latest re-reinterpretation of Lord of the Rings while waiting on your food delivery.

Fail. Get hurt. Lose money. Lose people.

Risks make history.

3. Assertiveness.

Every industry nowadays suffers from a culture of “nice” – don’t say this or that person will be offended, don’t fight back or you’ll be mean, don’t make decisions or someone will feel left out.

Assertiveness goes beyond the deliberation of being nice vs. being kind. There is an art to being firm while being respected.

People who succeed in life identify a problem and focus on improving that situation.?

There is a military strategy called an OODA loop: observe–orient–decide–act. What that does is it pinpoints an issue, focuses on ways to solve it, decides on the best solution, and takes action.?

Of course, analysis and decision-making are only half the process. The other, perhaps even more crucial, is how to communicate that decision to your team.

Not all decisions are easy, but maintaining that assertiveness while still keeping your team motivated is more than just a skill, it’s a personality trait. And a powerful one.

Powerful people are the ones who can inflict damage while being capable of mercy and kindness.

They love you when you are good. They hate you when you are the best.

4. Control.

Control and lack thereof – control is like tango, a perennial push and pull.

Control is both vertical and horizontal. Be it supervisors, managers, stockholders, they will try and control you, just like you will try to control your team and your peers.

But control isn’t the will of the universe opening up to you by chance. Control is ALWAYS in your hands, and everything that happens to you happens as a result of how YOU control the universe.

If someone wants to control you, maybe that’s on you. By the same token, if you want to control someone, maybe that’s on you as well.

Is control bad? Again, it’s about balance.

The more you try and control someone, the more they get out of control.

The less you try and control someone, the more trust you’ll be rewarded with.


5. Discomfort.

Honestly, I have no idea how people have been conditioned to think that discomfort is bad, and all you need in life is “comfy”.

I’m postulating that when faced with challenges, the quality of life and experiences skyrocket. Because only then, you can truly put your mind and body to the test – be it at the gym, at work, in your personal life.

Challenges are exiting, struggles are enjoyable, pains are educational.?

Discomfort brings change.?

Some believe change is a bad thing.?

“Oh, you’ve changed” is one of the most accusatory things you can say today.?

Change is never a bad thing.

Discomfort brings in new information, new experiences, new learnings.

Embrace discomfort.


I think that concludes it for today.?

Weaknesses can be turned into superiority.

And remember…

The courage to stay true to yourself is the most attractive trait of all.?

In a world where everyone is trying to be someone else, authenticity reigns supreme.?

Till next week,



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