There are 2 types of People..
Patti Miner
VocalCoach with Online Course Mentoring Leadership in Others
Those who make plenty of their own collagen....And those over 40 who make less and less....Babies make plenty of collagen. That's why they heal so fast if they get hurt. Children, teens and even up to 30's still make plenty of collagen for their bodies to repair quickly. Collagen production starts going down in the 40's and continues a downward decline year after year. Collagen is the most abundant protein of the human is the brick and mortar holding our house together.
The body is constantly rebuilding each organ, bone, tissue, cartilage, skin, hair and cell in the body since birth and when you don't have enough brick and mortar...well, you don't have the quality body you'd like.
If you break a bone, your body immediately begins producing new cells to repair that damage. When your skin is cut, platelets in your blood will clot to stop the bleeding and white blood cells remove the dead injured cells and new healthy cells repair the damaged tissue. There are so many examples of how the body repairs itself. Collagen is an essential ingredient to that repair. Liquid BioCell Collagen is the only collagen supplement that is 100% Bio-Identical to the body and 100% Bio-Available to the body. Swish 23 seconds in the mouth before swallowing (that is why the Chewables are so effective) It is sublingual and goes directly into the bloodstream and then finishes digestion in the stomach.
Take one Tablespoon morning and night. It has been proven that all the LBC you give your body will be used in 12 hours. Thus, if you want to continue that quality rebuild...remember to take your doses. Some have put a note near their toothbrush "Did you remember to take your collagen?" 2 Bottles per Month Per Person.
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